Lemmy server admins, please enable pg_stat_statements on your PostgreSQL server so the Lemmy community can better identify the performance problems on the more active sites
Lemmy server admins, please enable pg_stat_statements on your PostgreSQL server so the Lemmy community can better identify the performance problems on the more active sites
I have been working with pg_stat_statements extension to PG and it give us a way to see the actual SQL statements being executed by lemmy_server and the number of times they are being called.
This has less overhead than cranking up logging and several cloud computing services enable it by default (example) - so I don't believe it will have a significant slow down of the server.
It does require that PostgreSQL be restarted. Which can take 10 or 15 seconds, typically.
Debian / Ubuntu install steps
Following the conventions of "Lemmy from Scratch" server install commands:
sudo -iu postgres psql -c "ALTER SYSTEM SET shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements';"
Followed by a restart of the PostgreSQL service.