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  • Agreed, what r/anime had made it nice to discuss on a consistent basis (when it was consistent lol)

  • Yeah I’ve been using the anime discussion bot as my “anime reminder”

    Having one would be really nice

  • Not quite sure about this. Honestly, this community is way too small to have lively discussions every anime episode that airs. The home page might just look like the episode bot spamming lots of posts with around 3 to 4 comments. We need to get bigger as a community first before this.

    • The community won't get bigger because we come to discuss anime and then there is no anime discussion thread.

      • You've got a very optimistic outlook. Let's hope you're right about the community actually getting bigger if we have episode discussion threads. Worst that can happen is we end up with bot spam and empty threads.

  • Ironically, reddit has apparently blocked the r/anime bot. (Presumably related to all their api changes.)