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  • Voyager: The Next Generation

    Ensign Kim is still at Operations.

    • And still an Ensign. And he's died about 20 more times.

      • And he’s died about 20 more times.

        It's why he's still an ensign. Military organizations have time in rank and time in service requirements. Starfleet doesn't consider Harry to have met the time in rank requirements since he keeps getting killed/timeline shifted/temporally displaced/sucked into a meteor coffin. Each time this happens his time in rank starts over.

  • Tbf, TOS is "older" in another way too: it comes from ye olden television times when color was still being added, and CGI wasn't near the point that it had reached by the time of Voyager. So between those two shows a phase shift had occurred in television, whereas between Voyager and now the types of shifts we have seen have been more like moving from TV signals sent out freely over the airways to having to pay 15 different streaming platforms ON TOP OF your ISP, one for each different season of the show as it gets bought & sold & migrates among them:-(. I wonder how kids today can even begin to image purchasing a device and being able to watch something instantly on it without having to pay for a subscription service, plus hack the ROM to try to get rid of ads being added directly onto the device itself:-|.

  • No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.

  • NO SHIT UP I'M JUST GOING TO GO OUT BACK WITH A SHOVEL. things always become more clear after you've had a good dig.