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Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down


So your system knows the exact situation and still is slowing down my bike, just at the moment I need to accelerate to avoid being overrun by that large truck heading into me.

How stupid are these folks? We've got rules, when people don't follow those rules, you fine them. Case closed.

No system to prevent a bike speeding, teach people to obey the law.

micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility

Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down

28 13
  • The usual "too many people are getting hit by cars while on bicycles, obviously it's the bicycles that are the problem"

    If ebikes that go over 25kmh are already illegal, why would those ebikes have this speed limiter module installed?

    Why are ebikes are not allowed to go fast enough to just ride on the road with cars, making it much safer for pedestrians and for the ebikes?

    According to Paul Timmer of the Townmaking Institute, getting the device working on all e-bikes should be pretty straightforward. “There are five manufacturers and suppliers of motors for electric bicycles. They all work with similar systems,”

    Also completely false, are they going to make it illegal to buy ebikes that don't come with those 5 drive systems from large corporations, and shut out the small businesses that make ebike motors?

  • We've got that here. You jam a stick in the spokes, then throw the bike and the rider in the canal. Lots of fun.

  • Is this the same system they use to slow down basically everything at AMS? Like seriously, that's the worst, dirtiest major international airport I've ever had the misfortune of having to use.