Season 2 Episode 5
Season 2 Episode 5
Season 2 Episode 5
It was really nice seeing that there was a new episode today. Finally!
Really feel like we're basically on season 6
Seeing the Martian struggle under question was fun. Seeing everyone battle with all the news when Marc got back home was also interesting. The sequid story line is super fun. My memory is escaping me as to the details. So I'm looking forward to discover it all over again.
Good episode! Not a huge fan of the gap though.
There's tons of source material - I'm surprised they do so few episodes and skip so much.
That death was brutal.
The fight between Rex Splode, DupliKate, and Shrinking Rae vs the Lizard League was great!
It's the logical conclusion of a supers fight: Kill and maim your opponents, or be killed or maimed.
Between supers with what I call "street level" abilities, serious fights should be ugly and deadly.
It really was awesome, and just disturbing in all the right ways. I like watching reactions to some of the highlight moments of the series, and I can't watch that one scene without muting the audio. I don't know what it is, but I can't listen to it happening. That's how you know you did something very right!
The scenes with Amber and invincible opening up about their relationship was some great filmmaking.