2024 Eclipse - Four Seconds Before C2
2024 Eclipse - Four Seconds Before C2
2024 Eclipse - Four Seconds Before C2
Holy shit this was the most awesome thing I've ever experienced. I've been prepping for this eclipse ever since I got clouded out at the last minute for the 2017 eclipse, and almost everything went perfectly! (I didn't even hit eclipse traffic on the way home!) With the camera automated I got 163 HDR pics during totality, plus more from the partial phases, so expect to see some more pics in the coming weeks!
I really like how the diffraction spikes turned out from the Bailey's Beads, and how the blue turned out in my totality pics. I tried to keep the editing minimal on this, and just did some minor contrast and saturation adjustments (see below for more details). The corona in the image is definitely bluer than how it looked irl (which was mostly just white), but the prominence color is pretty close to what I saw through my other scope. I suspect it's because of the custom white balance I've had to use for my astro modded cam. For those curious here are my other C2 pics, unedited other than cropping
Captured on April 8th, 2024 from Sikeston, MO.
Places where I host my other images:
Capture Software:
Super cool! Some of the most interesting pics I’ve seen of this so far. Keep up the good work!