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FOSS programmers, what do you think of horrible people using your software?

I just learned that Nmap is almost GPL except that they revoked the license specifically for SCO group for their SCO–Linux disputes.

This got me thinking, what do open source programmers think of evil companies or horrible people using their software?

Don't get me wrong, FOSS software by its nature can't be controlled or strictly prevented of being used. But in case of companies like SCO, that is a thing that at least can cause them headache and they risk getting into legal trouble. A programmer for example can modify GPL to make so that his software can't be used by Microsoft or Facebook, but it is GPL for everybody else.

  • I don't care, i made it to be open to everyone and my opinions shouldn't interfere with it.

  • Software is a tool. I develop stuff that i know is of interest to companies working with everything from nuclear energy to hydrogen electrolysis and CO2 storage. I honestly believe I can make a positive contribution to the world by releasing that software under a permissive licence such that companies can freely integrate it into their proprietary production code.

    I'm also very aware that the exact same software is of interest to the petroleum industry and weapons manufacturers, and that I enable them by releasing it under a permissive licence.

    The way I see it, withholding a tool that can help do a lot of good because it can also be used for bad things just doesn't make much sense. If everybody thinks that way, how can we have positive progress? I don't think I can think of any more or less fundamental technology that can't be used for both. The same chemical process that has saved millions from starvation by introducing synthetic fertiliser has taken millions of lives by creating more and better explosives. If you ask those that were bombed, they would probably say they wish it was never invented, while if you ask those that were saved from the brink of starvation they likely praise the heavens for the technology. Today, that same chemical process is a promising candidate for developing zero-emission shipping.

    I guess my point is this: For any sufficiently fundamental technology, it is impossible to foresee the uses it may have in the future. Withholding it because it may cause bad stuff is just holding technological development back, lively preventing just as much good as bad. I choose to focus on the positive impact my work can have.

  • I'm an OpenBSD user & ports maintainer, and while I don't totally agree with the permissive ethos, I'll summerize it the best I can:

    Permissive licensing (anyone can use your code for any reason, as long as they give attribution) means more people are using your software, which is improving the quality of software in the world, and regardless of it is being used for nefarious purposes or not, it increases the probability of your software becoming a standard. Copyleft/GPL can lead to total rejection of software by large proprietary/corpo entities, and lead to in-house proprietary implementations instead. A good example is MacOS, which if BSD didn't exist with the license it did, we could have very well have ended up with with two systems as non-portable as Windows instead of one.

    My personal opinion on the matter is that your license should change depending on what type of software you're writing. I think permissive is good for libraries and highly portable applications. For something like a game on the other hand, I think something like the GPL isn't good enough; I would pick a license that would would prevent any commercial use whatsoever. I don't care about the purity of open source or what does or doesn't qualify open source or free software; I view it as zealotry, and licenses are a tool, not an ideology.

  • I'm not sure why this has anything to do with FOSS per se. Proprietary software can theoretically be used by people the intellectual property owners hate as well.

    I'm guessing you're thinking about it from a FOSS point of view because FOSS authors tend to be ideologically inclined toward making FOSS and perhaps think they're selflessly making the world a better place whereas proprietary software is made exclusively for money. (Not that FOSS can't be made for money.)

    But, speaking for myself, a lot of bad actors just straight up blatantly violate FOSS licenses. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is. (Maybe the court case SFC v. Visio will make a difference. We'll have to see.) But it's not going to do the world any good to deprive the world of your contributions because some assholes will disregard your license.

    I suppose it could theoretically make a difference if you used a license that called certain companies out by name, but a) then again maybe it actually wouldn't make a difference (they might just blatantly violate the license still) and b) you can't really anticipate all the companies that are assholes at the time you write the license. If your FOSS software actually has a nontrivial user base, somebody somewhere who you don't like is going to use your license some day and there really isn't anything you can do about it.

    But I still see releasing your code under FOSS licenses as a big fuck-you to asshole companies. It subverts the whole capitalist foundation on which they stand. It denies them the full ability to own it.

    And copyleft licenses do that better than so-called "permissive" licenses.

    Be gay, do crime, write FOSS, donate to the SFC.