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Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?

I did retirement home training and used to think it was a sweet job. Then I got in the business and underestimated how demoralizing it was as they give you the easy elders in training while the others make you, or at least me, really think of the fact the job just amounts to an unkarmic freebie.

  • Any job working for a PBM (pharmacy benefit manager). Completely unnecessary third party parasites that drive up health care costs.

  • Any role at those finance firms that just buy up other companies to eat their profits. What do you provide? Nothing, you take already baked potatoes and make sure all the shredded cheese is scraped off into your gullet and thats it.

  • Any position in the for profit medical payment processing profession, it should be single payer through taxes instead.

    Any investment position that exists to leech money out of successful companies instead of providing cash to improve the business. Basically any part of.a vulture capital firm.

    Any pseudo pretend medical profession that has decades without evidence it works like chiropractors. I'm fine with mediums and other charlatans that at least put up a 'for entertainment purposes only' sign and don't have a history of causing injuries to their clientel.

    Anything involving targeted advertising since it relies on scooping up personal data.

    Debt collectors. The businesses took the risk when they loaned money or provided some kind of service on credit. Selling debt to collectors who maliciously lie and guilt people into paying money they don't really owe or tricking them into paying debt that would disappear after a period of time is horrible. There are no respectable debt collection companies.

  • War profiteers. If you work for a company like Raytheon or Lockheed Martin then you are doing an incredible amount of harm to the world and I have even less respect than I have for people in the military. These companies are constantly looking to fuel conflicts, destabilize, and pump all sorts of weapons into every corner of the globe. These people are the true scum of the earth, they are among the worst people who have ever lived.

    • landlords
    • lobbyists
    • telemarketers
    • brokers
    • casino work
    • hedgefund work
    • companies that make unnecessary amounts of (and wasteful) plastic
    • door to door salespeople
    • sidewalk salespeople
  • Cops, landlords, the entire advertising industry, anything to do with the stock exchange, PMCs, lobbyists (and by extension most career politicians)...

    I'm just getting started

  • Meat processing (for human consumption) because it’s unnecessary for our survival and I personally find it an abhorrent and morally wrong.

    • Hi! I'm going to pick your brain because this is on my mind tonight.

      My family happily eats meat. I've never hunted anything but a few fish, rarely and not for decades. So, there's the background.

      Noticed there are LOADS of squirrels around. In my yard, at my camp, in the woods. Thought about harvesting a few. (Turns out I'm too soft, what if I shoot someone's wife?!, but I thought about it.) My kids were horrified at the notion. "But you're happy killing chickens and cows for your McDonalds?!"

      Kayaking tonight, I ran into a monstrous rookery in the swamp. Egrets I think? Great Herons? Anyway, they seem always in the same place, by the hundreds and hundreds. Thought, "How about bringing a 20-gauge and shooting down dinner?" My wife was horrified. "Birds are not food!" So I brought out a pack of chicken, "Chickens aren't birds!" (She's Filipino, something may have got lost in the translation...)

      What are your thoughts? I dated a vegan once who couldn't admit that hunting your own food was morally superior to farm tortured meat. Uh... I don't get it. If you're going to eat meat, isn't harvesting your own the moral choice?

      • No because it is not ethical to murder an animal when it’s not necessary.

      • Not who you're replying too (and not vegetarian/vegan) but I've always said that people who eat meat should have to kill and butcher an animal at least once so they learn where it comes from and how it gets into those tidy shrink wrapped packages in their grocery store.

        It's not pleasant and too many people don't understand it.

        But, I grew up quite poor where hunting often determined if we were eating so I have a different experience than many. I'm still a big softie though and, while I will do it, I definitely don't like it.

      • My philosophy is that I don’t want to mess with animals simply because I can. It’s that simple.

        Just as an example, a lot of vegans will happily eat honey and it never occurred to me in my first year that it could be questionable. I decided on the spot never to consume it again simply because by my logic we’re having to hoard up a bunch of bees and make them produce it for us — only later did I read up on the topic and find all the arguments for/against it — but that didn’t matter to me because I try to keep it that simple.

        Hunting is an area I haven’t given much thought. I grew up in a hunting family, shot a deer at five years of age, etc. but never got into it. I know there’s a big debate surrounding it but knowing I don’t want to hunt in the first place I haven’t really read up on it simply because it’s not relevant to me.