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  • The US? pretty fucking fucked. The World, so fucked it has no idea how truly fucking fucked it is yet.

  • Fucked regardless but how fucked remains to be seen. Just as before, Trump will spend his presidency golfing, what really matters are his cabinet picks. Best case scenario is that just like 2016-2020 in-fighting and general incompetence make the administration a revolving door and keep the Christian Nationalist from realizing their darkest ambitions. Worst Case is that the Fascist have learned from their mistakes. I also think Trump either dying or being forced to step down (with a pardon of course) is a possibility that is on the table. Vance is a much more competent Fascist and this is definitely a worst case scenario.

    Regardless, I think there are a few things that are guaranteed to happen:

    • The dismantling of much of the Federal Government. Starve the Beast will finally come to fuition. The Department of Eduction, the FDA, The EPA, ect will become toothless if not entirely abolished. De-regulation will bring us back to early 20th century levels of consumer protection and quality control. Read "The Jungle" to get an idea. Public Health is going to tank dramatically.
    • The little safety net Americans have will be pulled out from under them. Workers will be entirely beholden to their employers. The price of most consumer goods will surge, bankruptcy from healthcare cost will skyrocket, and homelessness will become even more common. Homelessness will become completely criminalized and the % of the American population imprisoned will make today's prison population look small.
    • The police and surveillance state will be expanded dramatically with the intent of targeting undesirables. Immigrants will be deported, while Trans people and political dissidents will be labeled as sexual criminals and will be eliminated. As time marches on more groups will be targets for the state. People around you will simply disappear sometimes, victims of secret police.
    • An increase in media censorship by morality police. Pornography will be banned, and using that vague label media critical of the regime or expressing ideas against the regimes interest will be censored.
    • The US will pull out of NATO and pursue a policy of isolation. Authoritarian and expansionist regimes around the world will be allowed to pursue their interests unchecked.
    • A general brain-drain as educated people with the means to do so flee to Canada or Europe. As time passes it is likely that emigration from America will be made more difficult by the state, effectively stranding people here who didn't get out soon enough.
    • We will completely miss the window to do anything to avoid the worst-case scenarios for climate change. So it's not just America that's fucked here.

    Smoke em while you got em, it's about to get rough for everyone. We are in the death throes of the Neo-Liberal world order. Buy a firearm and get a vpn. Keep your vehicle as fueled as you can, and if you are able keep a sizable amount of cash stored somewhere safe. There's never been a better time to go vegan and get in shape. Do what you can for the people you care about.

  • The world is fucked. A climate change denier was elected to one of the most influential countries and we're already past mitigating some of the worst effects. There is no coming back.

  • Not just the US, the entire planet.

    For example: Ukraine Gaza Taiwan South Korea

    Ugh, just thinking about the ripple effect that this is going to cause is makes me want to curl up in a corner.

    • On the plus side (/s) resource depletion, climate collapse and ww3 will probably get most of us by 2030. So there isn't too much longer to wait.

      Enjoy the last of the abundance and don't reproduce, there isn't really anything else we can do now.

  • Pretty fucked. I'm already weighing my options here now that this has happened. My gf is a Brazilian here on a education visa, will Trump deport her? Maybe. If she goes back to see family during the summer will she be allowed back in? I don't have much faith she will be. My cousin is trans and in a red state now, he's very much at risk. My other cousin is queer and also at risk. If my dad wasn't already dead his disability money will have dried up, not to mention his medications and treatments would've been unaffordable more than they already were. Thank fuck I don't have or want kids so they don't have to grow up in this shit hole of a country, if there's even a livable planet left with Trump deregulating and adding to the climate crisis.

    We're about to be bent over the table with no lube

  • I feel like the U.S. is becoming similar to Russia. For example, we are seeing an autocratic strongman holding the highest office and only vaguely behaving within the democratic system, with a clear intent to rule unilaterally with a congress and Supreme Court that are less checks and more support for maintaining the power base. And as generations continue to experience this way of life, America as a society will forget what it was like for the past 250 years where both parties respected the system with peaceful transfer of power.

    It’s sad, but fascinating in a kind of slow motion train crash to be alive for.

  • It's fucked. But it's been fucked for a long time. You just didn't see it until the other day. It's like the foaming at the mouth from rabies. By the time you get that far, it's too late. But that animal bite months ago, and itching and fever were the warning signs, and everybody ignored it.

  • Its hard to say cuz hes so unstable, but since his party has been hijacked by his sycophants and own the three branches, id guess some crazy shit. Maybe this will finally make the americans understand that voting has consequences, and that some minimal homework is needed to choose. But honestly no one on this planet has any faith in the average american so i predict ww3, mass incarceration with slavery (woops already has been happening, but for even more ppl), demonization of any minority, and a general loss of wealth that will be vacuumed by the upper class. Man I cant believe you guys let trump hire Elon fking Musk, hope you guys like living like one of his employees.