Jeffrey Sachs Explosive Address at the EU Parliament Sends Shockwaves Across Europe
Jeffrey Sachs Explosive Address at the EU Parliament Sends Shockwaves Across Europe
The Average Joe Files
Jeffrey Sachs Explosive Address at the EU Parliament Sends Shockwaves Across Europe
The Average Joe Files
Sachs means well but frankly after 3 years of this shit with Russia the apologist in him needs to shut up. I’m serious. He’s an earnest, honest dude, but he is wrong to be so charitable to the Russian government. Russia is a rogue state akin to a new North Korea. The Russian government is an agent of chaos, it is self-serving, and it will never stop gobbling up sovereign territories unless the world makes them or they finally bite off more than they can chew and the defending nation makes them pay for it. Period.
The ethnic pleas he makes like with Estonia are the exact arguments Russia uses. It’s like watching a sloppy game of EU IV where a leader just does flagrant bullshit to earn “cassus belli.”
Russia invaded Ukraine claiming it was for “de-nazification.” Have we seriously forgotten this? How can Sachs say all this with a straight face? The “they feel hemmed in by NATO” argument is not sufficient, especially when they cite the aforementioned “we need to remove the Nazis!” bs.
Again I respect him. He means well and is a smart dude. But he is wrong.
Straight dropping’ bombs.
He’s got some points but he’s wrong.
He forgot to mention how the US was Russia's invasion of Chechnya, too.