Remote View
kv4p HT - open source ham radio transceiver for your smartphone
kv4p HT - open source ham radio transceiver for your smartphone
This right here is just part of why amateur radio is such a necessary vital service.
kv4p HT - open source ham radio transceiver for your smartphone
This right here is just part of why amateur radio is such a necessary vital service.
Perhaps motivation to finally get my license! This is cool.
Oh, if you're considering getting your license, you totally should. It's a ton of fun and a ton of interesting and experimental things.
This is super cool and looks quite polished in the video. It’s awesome that we live in an era where it’s possible for one guy to create this as a solo hobby project. Too bad it’s Android only but that’s a me problem.
Project is open source but not the app. :(
Oh, sadness