Roma and Sinti in Fascist Italy: from expelled foreigners to dangerous Italians
Roma and Sinti in Fascist Italy: from expelled foreigners to dangerous Italians
In November 1928, a (top secret) circular was issued which warned against a new danger linked with the [Romani] entering Italy: Communist propaganda. It stated that the Third International was literally paying the [Romani] to keep the contact between Comintern headquarters and its peripheral organs in the Kingdom of Italy; consequently: ‘greater rigour was needed in applying the existing policies to keep the [Romani] out of the Kingdom — as they might upset or endanger state law and order [my italics]’, let alone the safety of the public order.
Against their will, [Romani] thus managed to embody all the fears of the Fascist régime, so that their supposed ‘dangerousness’ significantly increased. This may have been linked to the régime’s awareness of the growing hostility of most Slovenians and Croats living in Venezia Giulia.