My Little Résumé rulé
My Little Résumé rulé
My Little Résumé rulé
Is… is this a real resume? Did an adult make this on purpose?
Yes, I’ve seen this resume before.
I think it’s ironic. The guy is quite influential in his field, so he doesn’t really need a resume.
Ftr I would submit a resume similar to this in a heartbeat, completely seriously, if I thought I could get away with it.
I guess that's as good an explanation as any.
Besides what others have mentioned, I'm pretty sure nothing on the resume matters anymore except hitting automatically checked keywords. I've seen some formatting nightmares get through the first levels of filtering, and nobody cares about the resume after that.
Im imagining an amazon listing as the title and body. Please give me an example of one of these nightmares.
It's Joseph Redmon, creator of the YOLO object detection neural net architecture, which is very widely used.
I know that what's censored on two of the ponies is probably logos of schools he attended or something and he doesn't want that much identifying info out there, but I choose to believe what's censored is clop content.
Plot twist, he is applying for the job of Creative Director at My Little Pony
That is the only time I see this abomination not getting instantly shredded. Nobody wants this on their desk, unless they put it in a folder for examples of what not to do.
Instantly fucking hired
Instantly hiring fbonk!
I'd interview you, mostly to see if you're real.
He is. Just about anyone who works in computer vision based machine learning knows this man. He's insane and I would hire him on the spot, but there's no way a company I work for could afford what he's worth.
People who don't put their horse cock dimensions into their resume don't deserve to have their CVs read.
Checks out
There's dozens of us! Dozens!
Guess which Linux distro he's using?
I fucking love my neovim so much vim is so good
There are two kinds of resumes: This and the boring kind
... why does it censor the red pony's... oh, it's a butt logo. Okay. Somehow that makes this less weird.
This guy only uses PonyOS.
Broken link, presumably this?
A challenger appears to Hannah Montana Linux!
I fixed it but yes!
Fuck it, I'd hire them.
Straight into the trash.