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Lost in Translation: The Social Language Theory of Neurodivergence (Part 1 and 2)

A de-pathologising and enabling explanation of typical neurodivergent perception and expression culture.

By Janae Elisabeth, a researcher-storyteller and neurodiversity advocate from western North Carolina.

The two rather concise blog articles are suitable for handing to people who may ask (or may not have asked) what this neurodiversity thing is actually about. And if you are divergent, you will probably recognise yourself.

In part 1, Janae lists the most defining differences in communication and culture, in the sibling form of "we".


The dominant social group labels our way of being in the world as disordered because they don’t understand us. Even though they don’t understand, the dominant culture controls the narrative about our differences.

Society believes the experts who are not part of our culture, who see brokenness where there is order. We gradually start to believe the myths ourselves and lose all sense of self-esteem. We come to hate ou


A Field Guide to Earthlings: An Autistic/Asperger View of Neurotypical Behavior

A free ebook written for autistic people that describes the neurtotypical world. It can be funny and quite insightful!


Autistic people – The cultural immune system of human societies

A thorough blog essay covering contributions that autistic people make to society as a whole.


Online Self-Report Assessment Related to Autism

A thorough list of scientifically based assessments with descriptions and ability to complete and score. One of my favorite things about a few of these test is that they show that the spectrum isn't a continuum, but more of a web of traits that are on separate but related continua.

Feel free to share your scores to engage in discussion!

Note: A self-assessment is not sufficient to properly assess autism. These assessments can provide helpful insight, but a proper assessment includes at least a thorough interview by a licensed mental health professional that specializes in autism assessment.


Asperger/Autism Network (AANE)

A list of available online support groups for autistic people.


The Five Neurodiverse Love Languages

An essay covering the 5 major strategies that autistic and ADHD people use to communicate they love you ❤️


An Aspie's Guide to Flirting YouTube video (8:13 mins)

Created by the popular Autism from the Inside YouTube channel, this video provides a guide on flirting for autistic people.


After Diagnosis YouTube playlist (4 videos)

A YouTube playlist of 4 (12-17 mins videos) covering expectations and advice for those that have been recently diagnosed as autistic.


Is it emotional abuse YouTube playlist

An extensive YouTube playlist reviewing signs of emotional abuse to help possible victims assess their familial and romantic situation.


How Abuse Mars the Lives of Autistic People

A well-sourced and compassionate review of the abuse autistic people may often experience and its impact.


12 Ways to Recognize Passive-Aggressive Behaviors (video)

"In this video, I dive into the topic of passive aggressive behaviour. What is it, and how can we recognize it in ourselves and others?"


Asperger Syndrome

A review of Asperger syndrome, it’s history, and how those that are Aspies experience the world.

Note: Asperger syndrome is no longer in the DSM and has been lumped under Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).


About Autism - A Numbered List Describing Autism About Autism - Autistic Self Advocacy Network

Autism is a developmental disability that affects how we experience the world around us. Autistic people are an important part of the world. Autism is a normal part of life, and makes us who we are.  Autism has always existed. Autistic people are born autistic and we will be autistic…

About Autism - Autistic Self Advocacy Network