This apartment building going up in Denver.
Laughably Large/Thick Tortilla Chip (next to Megalodon Tooth)
This claw machine Luigi from China appears to use Donkey Kong's body sewn in skin tones instead of his plumber's uniform.
Cigarette prices in Australia, 2024
A pigeon imprint after it smacked against our kitchen window
This is Hig. Hig would sit at my door and howl until I opened the door acknowledged him. This is odd because Hig was never my dog.
Visa cards have a dove as their security hologram. If you zoom in on the beak of the dove, there's a tiny little writing in it, saying VISA.
It used to say "Cleaning chemicals Don't Drink!"
My niece has 6 fingers on both hands
The tag found on the bottom of a new doormat
Pita platter came with 6 different dips
Ashtray right under a "no smoking" sign, inside a nuclear shelter, Switzerland
Copperhead scaling a steep rock wall behind my house
One of my Laundry pods has nothing but air...