On the Dimensionality of Spacetime
Gemini: Fast Failure Recovery in Distributed Training with In-Memory Checkpoints
Neatroff – a new implementation of the Troff typesetting system
A proposal for the next version of C
Serious incident to the 777-300ER on 5 April 2022 at CDG
Polymorphic Types in C
Is Google Getting Worse? A Longitudinal Investigation of SEO Spam in Search
En Route: A Magazine About Trains in Japan
Terse: A language with hi-level look-and-feel, low-level control (1995)
Vector Databases: A Technical Primer
High-Throughput, Formal-Methods-Assisted Fuzzing for LLVM
Research paper is also an executable x86 program
Nielsen's Ten Usability Heuristics
What is a standard error?
The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge
Dimensional Analysis and Black Holes
The Seneca Effect: Growth is slow but collapse is rapid (2017)
If Money Doesn't Make You Happy Then You Probably Aren't Spending It Right
Apple's classic Pascal poster, remade as a nice clean vector image
Software Technical Writing: A Guidebook