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All of you “solidarity” warriors in the rich West share an ideological lens in common with West Bank settlers and with Hamas. You are more interested in our territory than in our children.

Gaza is a minefield. Let’s leave aside for a moment whose fault that is. (Hint: everyone’s.) The present fact that we all, especially Gazan civilians, must contend with is that it’s a dense urban area intricately filled with tunnels, explosives, launch pads, rocket fuel, you name it, all of which has a single purpose and that is to kill civilians. So who thinks two million civilians should live in a minefield? Well, turns out nearly everyone who cares to weigh in on the subject! Every Arab nation, nearly every Palestinian official, and bizarrely, perversely, most of my supposed friends on the Western left. On the other hand, who thinks it would be a good idea to evacuate Gazan civilians from this minefield? Seemingly only Israelis. Now I see it’s fashionable to call this ethnic cleansing, but that only makes sense if you’re thinking like a settler. Settlers being the only Israelis who’ve found encouragement in this festival of horrors, something that fits their Gog and Magog territory