Hide duplicate posts I've already read
This is an idea I've had for a while now. Please let me know in the comments your thoughts on this feature.
This is my own feature request. I think the more I use Lemmy the more I find myself ignoring posts I've already read on a separate instance. In theory it doesn't sound like a bad idea to check out the same post from different instances since they have different comments however in practice this is rarely useful. I think a feature that essentially remembers the last ~100 posts you've read/hidden and then automatically filters out any new posts loaded with the same content would be cool.
- Create a "cache" that remembers the last 100-1000 posts that are either read or hidden. This cache is per post feed. It can remember posts based on the title + maybe the first 100 characters of the post body + url (but not image urls since these can differ based on which instance the image is uploaded to). We can exclude any post with a title less than 25 characters and no body.
quickly copy raw comment text
Currently you have to press view comment raw and then select all the text, then copy it. It'd be nice if there was a quicker way to copy the comment text.
Don't render markdown in post titles
Every once in a while my feed contains a post with a title that begins with a hashmark, most frequently either microblog type posts with hashtags or numbered project update posts. Summit dutifully renders these titles as if they were markdown titles with a huge font. I would very much appreciate an option to render post titles as-is instead.
Make width of post and comment views resizable for tablets/folding phones
It'd be nice if it a feature could be added that would allow you to adjust the size of the list of posts and the comment view. A similar feature is available in Hacki which lets adjust the column size by dragging the divider between the list of posts and the list of comments
Adding comment filters
Being able to filter out comments based on keywords like the existing posts title filter would be nice.
add a shortcut to profile in nav bar
Nav bar buttons are customizable, but there are only 5 the user can choose from. I'd like to have a button for my profile in the nav bar (for example: I don't need the history button), but at the moment there's no way to add it.
Search comments in a post
It would be great to be able to search by keywords amongst the comments in a post. Right now there is the function to navigate from comment thread to comment thread on a post. I could picture the search can also be triggered by the floating action button similarly.
Adding a reason while removing posts
I moderate a community that requires me to add a reason on why the posts were removed. It would be nice to have this option in Summit, so I don't have to go into the Lemmy web interface every time.
Send content to Summit to use later
I know there is already a feature that allows you to send an image to Summit to create a post but sometimes I want to reply to a comment with an image and I don't want to use the janky Android image picker to find the image. It would be cool to be able to send an image or maybe even text or a video to Summit and have the app temporarily store it. Then when you compose a comment/post have a way to add the temporary files to the comment/post.
Top comment separator line
Hi, can you add a setting to show a separator line before a top comment? Thanks!
Subsciptiom secion in the communites menu.
I would like to be able to change what communities are listed to the commuies I am subbed to or have a section at the top of the list to be the list of communites any given user is subbed to.
Admin Tools
Right now moderator tools have been implemented but not admin tools. Admin tools include standard mod tools but also things like the purge command. The ability to modify instance settings would be nice but is less important to me. If you implemented some of these tools I'd appreciate it, it would make administering from Summit much easier.
Add option to display user profile images
I like to see user profile images, it adds a bit of flare to comment sections and helps me tell users apart. I think it would be really cool if there were an option to see them in Summit.
Comment context and Search at all places
I would like to request these 2 features:
- Comment Context along with scrolling to and highlighting the particular comment.
- Search within a community or within a post ( with comments)
Combine Community
As it is known, lemmy has many instances. There are similar communities in different instances. Is it possible to gather and display similar communities around a single title? For example, if there are 3 different technology communities, if you press and hold a community name in the subscriptions section on the left, the selection buttons are active. then if we choose more than one community. And if we click on merge the selected communities. Next, let's name this group. The 3 different technology communities on the left will no longer appear. The group name we typed will appear. When you press and hold the group name, the options to distribute the group and edit the group will appear. When you click on the group, 3 community content will start to appear on the main page.
Bolder font, easier access to sort posts and link shortcut in the comment box!
Hi, I have mentioned it before in some release posts, but I'm gonna post it again:
I feel the current font is a bit harder to read compared to other apps, whether you are using black or white theme, especially in the comments section, I am not a fan of the bold style, but maybe giving it a bit shouldn't hurt.
The second request is about the sorting feature, it would be nice to have quick access to such a feature instead of going to the dots menu at the bottom.
Something like at the left of the profile access would be nice (or maybe replace the profile access? IDK).
And finally I have noticed that the option to post links is missing in the text box, it would be nice to have it there, and maybe an option to reorder such features or at least put at first the missing link one and the picture button.
Add a "filter" field for subscriptions
Hi. I'm subscribed to many many communities so navigating the long list could be a little complicated.
Can you add a filter field on top that can filter my subscribed communities as I type?