[v1.53.0] Untitled
Just doing some polish work for now.
Special note for one bug I finally tracked down. There was a period of time where the oddest things would happen when I was in a post where I thought I was losing my mind. I would upvote a comment, return to the post and see that the comment was not upvoted. Or I would post a comment and then after, the comment dialog would popup multiple times. This was extremely confusing as none of the logs indicated anything had even gone wrong. The "ghost votes" would appear in the logs as though I had went back to the comment and removed my vote manually.
After a lot of manual testing, I was finally able to track this issue down and it has to do with how swipe actions work.
When a swipe action is initiated, the app remembers the last swipe action. When you swipe and then let go the app triggers the last swipe action saved. This allows you to drag the swipe action slider as far as you want and as long as you are in the correct region when you let go, the
[v1.52.0] Haptics & More
This release adds more haptics in general to the app. It also makes haptic feedback more configurable.
Changes so far:
- Added a new settings page dedicated to haptic feedback.
- Added haptics to more actions.
- Adjusted strength of haptic feedback to be inline with Android's guidelines.
- Added a new experimental feature that automatically marks duplicate posts as read. A duplicate post is a post that has been posted to another instance that is essentially the same as a post that has been read.
- Fixed a bug where links cannot be opened if the preview link setting is set to "Preview all".
- Fixed a bug where thumbnails sometimes won't load.
[v1.51.0] WIP
Going to try to implement some features. Not sure which ones just yet.
Changes so far:
- Fixed a bug where shadow is cut off from the link button in a post.
- Experimental: Added special support for links.
- Improved the contrast for the search bar in light themes.
- Added a setting to disable the text preview icon for certain post feed views.
- Added support for haptic feedback on action buttons in the post feed/post screen.
- Added a setting to enable/disable haptic feedback.
[v1.50.0] Bug fixes, QoL changes
Changes so far:
- Updated the behavior of the "go to" context button in the message inbox screen. Tapping the button to go to a comment will now load the post with just the comment chain by default, with the comment highlighted.
- Fixed a bug where tapping the add link button on the community editor will not actually insert a link.
- Changed the behavior of updating a community. The community info screen will auto-refresh if the community is updated.
- Fixed a bug where the colors used for the image viewer were wrong in light theme.
- Fixed card shadows in some places.
Just realized I mistakenly titled this post "release" when it's WIP. Updated the title.
[v1.49.0] UI improvements
I think it's been a while since I've looked around the app and tightened things up a bit so I'm planning to do just that with this release.
First up on the block, I'm not happy with how the card layouts look. I've more of a list layout user myself so I never really looked too much into the card layout designs. However I feel like using them has made me realize that they are lacking. In particular it's still difficult to tell when posts end and begin. To help with this, I've made minor design changes to all 3 card layouts.
Card | Card 2 | Card 3 |
Changes so far
- Updated designs for layouts Card, Card 2 and Card3.
- Fixed a bug where images within tables do not load.
- Fixed a bug where post data does not update after a comment is posted.
Just planning to run down the roadmap.
Changes so far
- Added "Change password" option to the account settings page.
- Added an option to only expand one comment thread when viewing a single comment.
- Changed the inbox message screen. Sending a reply on the message screen will cause the context screen to update with the comment once it is posted.
- Fixed a bug where comments were not highlighted when they should be. Eg. when a comment is focused.
- Added a setting to show/hide the scroll bar on the post feed.
- Added support for user tags.
- Changing some of the default settings. These changes were made as comment header space is limited and these settings improved the layout for comment headers.
- Use condensed typeface for comment headers: False -> True
- Comments: Show profile icons: False -> True
[v.1.47.0] You screen
This release will be focused on implementing the proposal from
Changes so far
- Added a new "You" screen. This will be the new default screen in the bottom nav bar.
- Added a upvoted/downvoted screens. These screens list all posts/comments you upvoted/downvoted.
- Added a drafts screen to make managing drafts easier.
[v1.46.0] Search screen overhaul
This release implements the proposal discussed here:
This release overhauls the search screen to show subscribed communities and community suggestions based on what is popular or trending at the moment.
Note: Suggestions shown in the search screen will be based on data gathered from Lemmy servers (more precisely they are based off of They are not from data generated from the client. The app does not track/send data to any servers aside from Lemmy & Firebase (for crash/app stability tracking, you can opt-out in settings).
The backend portion that will drive community suggestions feature is open source. You can view it here:
I will issue more details regarding how this will all be set up once I'm closer to a release.
Changes so far
- Complete search screen overhaul
- Fixed a bug where disabling Firebase Crashlytics would leave the rest of the Fir
[v1.45.0] Predictive back
This is a unplanned release. Due to some bugs and mounting issues within the app, I need to issue a release for full predictive back support.
Predictive back is a new-ish feature on Android that was introduced in Android 14 and will begin to roll out fully in Android 15. This "feature" is more of a guideline/standard being pushed by Google. It is a push for apps to dynamically respond to the back gesture. In most cases what this means is that a preview of the previous screen will be shown when a back gesture is initiated.
Since Android 15 is releasing soon, Google is pushing a ton of updates to suport this feature. These updates unfortunately introduced some bugs in the app. Google did add a way for apps to opt out of this feature, however I've decided instead to just fully support it.
Changes so far
- Fixed a bug where changing accounts will not scroll the account list to the top.
- Added full support for predictive back. Note that this fixes several bugs that are only seen on
[v1.44.0] WIP
Back from vacation, but I'm unfortunately a bit sick. Anyhow...
Changes so far:
- Fixed a bug where the wrong icon is shown when viewing an instance's info.
- Fixed a bug where the title is shown when it should be hidden on the community info/instance info screen.
- UI update for the emoji picker popup.
- Added a settings screen for the emoji picker, allowing users to modify or add emojis.
- Cleaned up the settings for post/comment scores. Changed settings so that there is one setting for post scores and one for comment scores. There are three possible options for both settings: show scores (default), show up and down votes and hide scores.
- Added a new setting to disable markdown parsing for post titles.
- Added a menu option to post/comments to copy it's contents.
- Updated the UI for deleted/removed posts so it has a distinct looked.
- Added a "Go to" dialog accessible in the main menu. This dialog allows you to jump to any Lemmy page directly provided you have a link.
- Added a
[v1.43.0] Title pending
I have some plans for v1.43 that I will add here later. For now, I'm just going to be doing some quick bug fixes. I've been fairly busy in my personal life outside of work so I haven't had as much time to work on Summit. Progress is still being made, just slightly slower. I will also be going on vacation from the beginning of October. My extreme stretch goal would be to release v1.43 well before I go on vacation so I have some time to polish the release before I'm on vacation but we shall see if that's feasible.
Changes so far
- Fixed a crash that occurs when images are uploaded using Imgur.
- Fixed a bug where read posts appear as unread if a post is hidden.
- Changed the quote button when creating a comment. If text is selected from the "replying to" box when the quote button is tapped, that text will automatically be populated within the quote block.
- Fixed an issue where the title of a post is not shown in the detailed view.
Whoops I accidentally put [Release] in
[v1.42.0] User requests!!!
I'm going to be implementing more user requests. If you have any leave them in the comments.
Changes so far:
- Changed the behavior of the navigation menu. If a navigation menu item is currently selected and it is tapped, the app will navigate you to the "home page" of that navigation item.
- Fixed several bugs related to the compose post screen.
- Fixed a bug where the create post screen mistakenly only shows comment drafts instead of post drafts.
- Changed the style of read posts to dim the entire post item. This behavior can be changed in settings.
- Added a setting to control whether videos should auto-play. Default true.
- Added new comment count to posts.
- Added a view to the post screen if there are no comments.
[v1.41.0] Save screenshot as GIF?
So Summit for Lemmy already supports "advanced screenshots" letting you take screenshots of posts and comments with ease, allowing you to include any and as many comments as you want. However this doesn't work as well if the post or comments have animated GIFs in them. I'm working on a feature that will allow you to take an "advanced screenshot" but as a GIF so you can capture any video or GIF as well.
Changes so far
- Added a feature to "record" a screenshot as a video or GIF.
- Fixed a bug where links are invisible in conversations.
- Changed long tap on the header, expand button or the side to expand actions as well.
- Added option to mark a post as read/unread in the post option's menu.
[v1.40.0] More stuff
Making this post to track progress on the next release. Will decide on a title later.
Changes so far:
- Fixed a bug where the navigation bar does not highlight the correct item in certain cases.
- Fixed a bug where the open link button is visible when no image is shown in the post list.
- Changed messages in the inbox. Messages sent by you will no longer show up in inbox.
- Fixed some bugs that occur when viewing a link to a Lemmy post of another instance.
- Make it more obvious when loading in the inbox screen(s)
- Changed the "Mark as read" gesture to toggle the read state of the post. Eg. if a post is read and the gesture "Mark as read" is performed, the post will be marked as unread.
- Added a fade effect to the bottom screen when screens are stacked together. Eg. when viewing a post from the community feed.
- Fixed some minor bugs with people search.
- When viewing a reply message in the inbox, added a button in the context section to make it easier to see the post of the reply.
[v1.39.0] General improvements
Changes so far:
- Improved styling on collapsed comments. Voting on a collapsed comment will update the score and cause the score color to change.
- Fixed many bugs with the layout "list with cards". Specifically it was missing the voting buttons and the comments counter. This has been added. Several other fixes has also been applied for this layout.
- Fixed a bug where the header text of a post would be cut off when using certain layouts.
- Fixed a bug where the link icon would appear on a post even if the post does not contain a link.
- Fixed a bug where paragraphs within a spoiler block may not be correctly formatted.
- Support subscripts in markdown (forexample)
- Fixed a bug where opening. closing and opening the same post will cause the post to not be highlighted when the post is closed.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes you can drag a blank window from the right side of the screen.
- Fixed a bug where the progress bar when loading videos does not conform to the app theme.
- Added
[v1.38.0] Offline support
Hello! I haven't posted in a while so I wanted to give a quick update on what is going on with the app.
The next feature I'm working on is quite large. Its offline support which aims to make the app usable offline... to a degree. This feature is going to be made up of several different parts including features to download certain content in advance and have the app respond to network changes.
In addition to this feature I am also working on some physical projects since it is summer where I am. I had a lot of yard work planned for this year so I'm also spending a lot of my free time with that. Due to this and the size of the next update, the next update will likely take a little longer.
Changes so far:
- Changed bookmark button to reflect the current state. Eg. if the post is already bookmarked then the bookmark icon is filled.
- When opening a link to a post on a different instance, added a banner to explaining the instance mismatch and also have an option to switch instances. Also
[v1.37.0] No title again
The next big feature on the menu is "Offline mode". This feature is difficult to tackle so I'm going to be implementing some other features that should make it easier.
The first is pre-fetching. Prefetching can also improve the base user experience so I will be looking at possible things that can be pre-fetched.
Changes so far:
- Added prefetching to the post feed. This should make loading more items in the post feed happen instantly as long as there is a good internet connection.
- Added support for community icons in the post feed.
- Added a setting to enable/disable post feed prefetching. The default is on.
- Added a setting to enable/disable community icons in the post feed. The default is on.
- Change post view to show the community icon if the post list also shows the community icon.
- Fixed a bug where tapping in certain areas of the post will not register the tap.
I'm changing the default on community icons to "on" since a good portion of you want it on by defaul
[v1.36.0] NSFW mode
This release fixes some minor bugs with the app and also adds NSFW mode. When NSFW mode is enabled, both blur and the NSFW filter will be ignored. Instead NSFW posts will always be shown and are never blurred. This mode is excellent if you want a quick way to switch between browsing SFW content and NSFW content.
Changes so far:
- Added an image info screen to the image viewer.
- Fixed a minor bug where the background of the inbox screen does not take up the entire height of the screen.
- Fixed a bug when using the screenshot feature to take a screenshot of a comment without the post. Remove the divider at the top of the screenshot that serves no purpose.
- Fixed a bug where sending an image to the app would show a bottom sheet but the bottom sheet would not be expanded.
- Changed delete post action to update the post deleted automatically. Also deleting a post will show a snackbar allowing the user to undo the action.
- Added a undo button to restore a deleted post.
- Added NSFW mode.
[v1.35.0] More user requests
Changes so far
- Moved the setting to make the notification bar completely transparent from Misc settings to Theme
- Moved the about and summit community setting options under a new category: About
- Renamed the existing "Post and comments" settings page to "Post and comments appearance".
- Removed the settings page for Comment list and added a new settings page for Post and comments settings.
- Moved the "Post appearance" settings page to be under the "Posts feed" settings screen.
- Moved the "Post and comments appearance" settings page to be under the "Post and comments" settings screen.
- Added a new setting to hide the UI in the image view by default.
- Fixed a bug where performing certain actions in the settings screen will cause all switch based settings to reset to off.
- Fixed a bug where the app mistakes certain links as Lemmy links.
Haven't posted an update in a while so here it is. I've been working on adding general cross-account support
[v1.34.0] More user requests
I'm going back to implementing more user requests.
Changes so far:
- Updated the design of the user profile screen slightly.
- Fixed a bug when viewing information about moderated communities/subscribed communities.
- Added a setting to choose a "quick action" for the post feed floatiing action button (FAB) (button at the bottom). When set, this action will trigger when the FAB is long pressed.
- Improve options menus even further.
- Handle Lemmy links to custom frontends.
- Added setting to show edited times in post/comment headers.
- Fixed a crash when trying to preview an extremely high resolution image.
- Fixed a crash when interacting with spoiler tags.
- Fixed a rare crash.