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EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Top highlight of one of the world's top treks: the Lagunas near Carhuacocha, Huayhuash, Peru [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Just nature at Zacatlan, Mexico [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

The Dolomites [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Seceda, Italian Dolomites [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Seceda, Italian Dolomites [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Mountains of Meghalaya, India [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Mountains of Meghalaya, India [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Zacatlan Mexico [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Rajapathor, Bandorban, Bangladesh [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Sunset on the Matterhorn [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

The Fee Glacier in 2014, Wallis, Switzerland [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

The Fee Glacier in 2014, Wallis, Switzerland [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Mount Tarawera, New Zealand [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Low clouds breaking over mountain wetlands, Cordillera Huayhuash near Carhuacocha, Peru [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Low clouds breaking over mountain wetlands, Cordillera Huayhuash near Carhuacocha, Peru [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Lake Perfection, The Enchantments, WA [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Lake Perfection, The Enchantments, WA [OC]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Larch Season in Glacier Peak Wilderness, WA [4000x3000]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Larch Season in Glacier Peak Wilderness, WA [4000x3000]

EarthPorn: Amazing images of light and landscape

Ilheus, Brazil [OC]