Waterhole Slot Canyon
Everyone has seen Antelope Canyon on their Windows login screens it whatever but just a few miles away, you can visit Waterhole canyon, which is bigger and quieter. A guide was and to let me spend as much time as I wanted seeing up and getting my shots, a luxury I did not have at the more famous location. My pictures came out ok but the experience was worth it.
Nikon D750 W/ Sigma 12-24mm 2.8
1/8 sec f/18 iso100 (??? what was I thinking)
Yukon Gold?
Nikon D750 w/Tamron 150-600mm G2
180mm 1/2500sec f/6.3 iso1250
Went on a boat in Alaska to see and shoot whales but the crowd didn't afford many great pictures. Landscapes during the sunset though... Can do!
A peak under a leaf
Nikon D750 50mm 1.8D
1/640sec f/1.8 iso2000
Can anyone ID the bugs?
Edit: this was in northern Washington state
Haleakala Milky Way
24mm 13 sec f/2.8 iso3600
Driving all the way up to the top of Haleakala gets you to slightly over 10,000ft (3,000m) above the island of Maui. After sunset and when I thought it sufficiently dark, I started working on this shot.
I was extremely lucky to get clear skies and minimal wind on the evening of my visit. This particular shot also includes a comet in the top-right corner, a few satellites which I tried to clean up, and some lights (headlights?) which illuminated the observatory at the top of this long-extinguished volcano.
Autumn colours
Perfect lighting and fog to make the dock look like it leads to nothingness.
Shot on Samsung S21U Main Lens 1/950 f/1.8 ISO 16
Definitely regretted not bringing my camera that day
Hay Stack
A hay stack looking rock formation sitting at the top of a plateau in the Făgăraș mountains.
I modded a scanner to be a camera, this is 'Waterdance'
One of the results of a collaboration with a dancer. Once the motion-aspect of scanning photography clicked with her, it was a blast playing around for a few hours. This is a quick scan, left to right in about 20 seconds.