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Terminal Emulators

WezTerm - Wez's Terminal Emulator

A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust


  • Runs on Linux, macOS, Windows 10 and FreeBSD
  • Multiplex terminal panes, tabs and windows on local and remote hosts, with native mouse and scrollback
  • Ligatures, Color Emoji and font fallback, with true color and dynamic color schemes.
  • Hyperlinks
  • Searchable Scrollback (use mouse wheel and Shift-PageUp and Shift PageDown to navigate, Ctrl-Shift-F to activate search mode)
  • xterm style selection of text with mouse; paste selection via Shift-Insert (bracketed paste is supported!)
  • SGR style mouse reporting (works in vim and tmux)
  • Render underline, double-underline, italic, bold, strikethrough (most other terminal emulators do not support as many render attributes)
  • Configuration via a configuration file with hot reloading
  • Multiple Windows (Hotkey: Super-N)
  • Splits/Panes (Split horizontally/vertically: Ctrl-Shift-Alt-% and Ctrl-Shift-Alt-", move between pa
Terminal Emulators

Rio Terminal

tl;dr: Rio is a terminal built to run everywhere, as a native desktop applications by Rust or even in the browser powered by WebAssembly.

Github - Homepage

As of 2024/09/01 - Web version is still WIP

Terminal Emulators

Cosmic Terminal Jeremy Soller 🦀 (

This is cosmic-term, a very WIP project that takes the alacritty_terminal crate providing the majority of terminal code but rewrites the renderer to support additional features such as bidirectional text and ligatures. It will support both software and GPU rendering, and will have additional UI suga...

cross-posted from:

This is cosmic-term, a very WIP project that takes the alacritty_terminal crate providing the majority of terminal code but rewrites the renderer to support additional features such as bidirectional text and ligatures. It will support both software and GPU rendering, and will have additional UI sugar provided by libcosmic as they are implemented.
