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4 days ago


Balsamic Glazed Brussel Sprouts


The STARS of the Ocean—Almost Literally!


Balsamic Glazed Brussel Sprouts


A Study of Studies: Why We Take So Long to Build Transit


PsychGoth - Spirit of Fire (Commodore 64 SID remix)


PsychGoth - Spirit of Fire (Commodore 64 SID remix)


What Was the First 3D Platformer?


What Was the First 3D Platformer?

Trams, Trolleys and Streetcars

San Francisco's Transit in 2025


uchu reviews: Owlboy


Painting Timelapse - Shichimi and Torreya


TheLinuxExperiment ditches Firefox for all the wrong reasons...


Fediverse for Freedom (FOSDEM 2025)


Delta Demo and run through


Uncompromised Land - Franzpow


Uncompromised Land - Franzpow


Every CORAL is MANY Animals!

  • That was a great read! Can't wait for the next parts in the series.

  • Am I missing something? Isnˋt that just a traditional remedy for vitamin D deficiency? (And, well, I guess it also has decently healthy fatty acids and some other nutrients)

  • So, itˋs hard to fully switch to, but it has a growing community and there are some good creators on there (although, mostly Linux/FOSS enthusiasts) - so let me plug !

    Other than that, I still have a lot of gmail adresses, switching them will be a pain, since i will have to go through what I used them for. My main mail is with a German provider, though (

    I am in the process of setting up my own suite of fediverse stuff to host, these days. Have been learning a lot by dealing with frustration these past days :D (I only had some basic experience self-hosting, itˋs been a learning journey)

  • As per the video: new high of concurrent users, 40 million online with 12.7 million actively playing games.

  • Linux Gaming

    Steam's Latest (Huge) Milestone, Godot Engine 4.4, and more Linux Gaming News


    Steam's Latest (Huge) Milestone, Godot Engine 4.4, and more Linux Gaming News


    How to explore a new city by bike (loads of tips for travellers)

  • The defendants, four men, aged 46 to 58, and a 77-year-old woman, who belonged to the self-styled “United Patriots” group, were sentenced to between five years and nine months and eight years’ jail by the Koblenz higher regional court on Thursday.

    Look, I am not usually one to demand more draconic sentencing, but this seems inappropriately short. IMO, the main part of the sentence should have been to strip them of assets that could ever be again used in any revolutionary attempts.

  • Besides the stuff people already listed, I know sections like this here in Germany, and they often (not always) just have "American style" products - basically some weird hybrids of what a European imagines America to be like, but for European palates. So I bet - unless this was a section with true import stuff - any American would be confused why they never heard of any of these products.

  • The sauce you get from Sauerbraten is sooooo good, too - goes well with any veggies and/or pasta to eat alongside it.