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Didn't know you guys had a tagline in German lol
  • If a wall is structurally faulty it needs to be made anew, simply changing the incidental brown bricks with blue and green bricks will do nothing.

    Also Germans are one of the most horrendously propagandised populations. I'm always in awe of the imperialist bootlicking they manage to spew, but never that it's a German spewing it.

  • „To see a modern capitalist, perhaps you should look in a mirror in the home you own. Or take a selfie.“
  • First of all, financial times, please find people who can get to the point in the first 16 paragraphs. Relevant bit:

    After Bezos, Amazon’s largest stockholders are BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard. These asset managers are also the largest stockholders in Tesla, after Musk. They are also the largest stockholders in Prologis. And they are likely to be among the largest stockholders in most other companies you might think of. (The equity of AerCap is provided by a slightly different group of asset managers.)

    BlackRock and its competitors are not beneficial owners, of course; they run index funds that invest in everything and also offer active management through pooled funds and on behalf of large institutional investors, such as endowments and pension funds. Some of these institutions are large direct investors in equities; organisations such as Norges Bank Investment Management, which manages the more than trillion-dollar sovereign wealth fund of Norway, and Calpers, which funds the pensions of California’s public employees.

    One of modern capitalism's greatest achievements has been convincing workers they really own a stake in their own shackles. If you want to survive in your old age, you need a pension fund, which invests in equity. If you want what scraps you saved not to lose their value, you give your money to someone else to put in an index fund.

    "At that point what difference is there between you and Musk or Bezos?" asks some illiterate moron. Well, it's simple really, even an imbecile writing for FT can get it. As far as a normal person who doesn't drink children's blood is concerned, investing in private equity provides lower returns that just playing the stock market after the extract all the hidden fees they want. In some usian states, it's apparently illegal to disclose the details of an equity's financials. Furthermore, people who happen to be giving their money to the parasites running this charade through pension funds and whatnot have less say in their running than the homeless guy sitting outside their offices.

    The notion ”I own a small part of the firm that owns a small part of the firm that owns this plant and rents it to the airline therefore I'm a capitalist" is so removed from reality that even liberals shouldn't be falling for this shit. From the same article:

    The number of times greater that Jeff Bezos’ $200bn wealth is than Andrew Carnegie’s. Over the same period, US national income has risen only by a factor of 50

    That's a whole lot of rubbish to say "the rich have gotten richer"

  • Deeply embarrassed a liberal beat us to Isra-hell
  • The zionist entity is an apartheid state by any meaningful definition, and it's white supremacist, not Jewish supremacist. It welcomes non-Jewish whites while the Mizrahim are oppressed because they look more like the Palestinians Zionists are in the process of murdering.

    But I see mister man's point of view as well. After all, what can you politely discuss if not genocide?

  • China bad.
  • Absolutely not, for the sole reason that DPR Korea isn't a real entity in the minds of liberals. It's the boogeyman, the place with no democracy, subzero freedoms, more arrests and executions than births and so on. They can't fathom there being a real, physical thing where DPR Korea is on the map, unless it's desolate wasteland or the DMZ.

  • Locked
    The tragedy of himbo death
  • Beyond not being able to truly judge a situation based on so little information, this is the single post of a throwaway account which then made no edits to the post or replies to any of the comments. Maybe it's just me, but I always assume these cases are someone trying their writing skills or something of the sort.

  • Turns out Milo isn't dead yet (cw body shaming)
  • Thin-like, but not thin. Fat only exists in the mind; it’s always imagined. So what’s the difference between my fat and yours, between you and me?

    There is no threshold that makes us skinnier than the sum of our parts, no inflection point at which we become fully slim. We can’t define fat because fat does not exist.

  • Joe Biden has imposed MORE sanctions on countries than any other president: The US sanctions 60% of all low income countries
  • This is not a case of Trump having done bad things and Biden doing nothing. An analogue is if trump were firing a minigun on a bunch of people, he left office, Biden took over and resumed firing.

    Also, sanctions by the richest country in history need to be proven to have adverse effects on the imposed in the same way the theory of gravity needs to be proven again: only flat earth type loonies need it so it's merely an exercise, not an academic necessity.

  • "Kamala Harris, the giggling fool, will doom America." - Br*tish Columnist for the Telegraph (and diehard Hillary supporter)
  • I mean, the pig-fucker club at Oxford are pretty articulate. They can't come up with an idea with a basis in reality to save their lives, or millions of others for that matter, and they pillage the global south as sport. Yet they would articulate the sentence better than Harris, if they understood it, which is unlikely.

    Regardless, since this loony bag thinks Harris is inarticulate or incoherent, but says Biden was better, this is just racism.

  • NSFW
    To promote unity, HE should be Kamala's VP
  • I've seen this "let's make fun of trump for his age" thing to many times today and cannot emphasise this enough: nobody gave 2 bits of a shit about biden's age vis-à-vis the number itself. The man was clearly demented by 2019 but time around he can't maintain a train of thought for 60 seconds even when he has a script. Trump may be less than what he was in 2016 but he's mentally active enough to rouse his crowd after he was shot at. I'm not even sure we can say that about Kamala.

  • Its just 2:20 of her laughing lol. Oh wow she expresses joy? They gotta have better than that.
  • Didn't Howard Dean lose the 2004 primary because he yelled "Yeah!" or do I have that wrong?

    I'm not saying it's not misogyny, just that Americans are too stupid to need decent reasons to oppose someone, even by liberal democratic standards.

  • Rick and Morty Ruined Portals
  • Nah man. Portals don't have hyper competent, 11D aliens that are actually a bit entitled. Do portals let you just erase your enemies?

    Unless you subscribe to the theory that it was just Sisko using 3% of his real power and glared the Jem'Hadar or of existence, in which case the wormhole was incidental.

  • DSA National finally does something good and reddit loses its mind
  • That's the thing though. For supposed socialists, not supporting genocide or opposing a seller colonial entity aren't purity tests. It's practically calling the presence of hemoglobin in red blood cells a purity test.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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