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2 yr. ago

Concatenative Programming

0.1 + 0.2 | Roc

Concatenative Programming

Deep Clone | Re: Factor

Concatenative Programming

Compressed Images | Re: Factor

Concatenative Programming

Intersecting Ranges | Re: Factor

Concatenative Programming

Argument Parser | Re: Factor

Concatenative Programming

Go's concurrency in a dynamic language Rye

Concatenative Programming

Working with The Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP) in Factor | Re: Factor

Concatenative Programming

Announcing Weaver: CLI arg parser for Roc | Sam Mohr

Concatenative Programming

Forth Bitcoin miner for PC and Game Boy

Concatenative Programming

Time My Meeting | Re: Factor

Concatenative Programming

Factor Programming Language Tutorial | Video

  • On the off chance that you truly don't understand:

    The nice thing to do would be to accept the feedback and add a short description. It's confusing to others why you are staunchly opposed to performing that small courtesy, and instead jump to never posting here again.

  • The window shade problem is keeping me from Wayland. AFAIU there's currently no commitment to ever fix it on Wayland, it's only a maybe.

    For anyone interested, it's being tracked here.

  • So . . . not relevant to my comment?

  • Concatenative Programming

    akalenuk/the_namingless_programming_language: Naming is hard. How far can we go without?


    • Factor
    • Roc
    • Nim
    • Zsh
    • Execline
  • ...

  • Well FWIW CodeWars has plenty of Factor katas, and I try to gather related resources at

    I'm trying to keep up with the Perl Weekly Challenges, but with Factor, and am posting some Factor solutions to Exercism's 48in24 series.

  • By default you can use left and right bracket keys [] to adjust speed, and it should do adjustments to make the pitch sound the same.

    To adjust the pitch alone, you can have something like this in your input.conf, customized as you like:

    ALT+p af toggle @rb
    ALT+UP af-command rb multiply-pitch 1.25
    ALT+DOWN af-command rb multiply-pitch 0.8
    ALT+LEFT af-command rb set-pitch 1.0

    I haven't looked at this in a long time. If you always need this there's likely a conf option to always enable the "rubber band" (@rb) filter. And maybe other commands than multiply that would be better.

    EDIT: Sorry, I don't have this quite right. Maybe someone can correct me.

  • OK, I see some differences between your two screenshots, but what's the relevance to my comment?

  • I don't know what I should be noticing there. I can't see any text for the tool buttons along the left edge of the window.

  • Anyone notice non-obvious Wayland road blocks?

    I think the last thing keeping me on X11 is window shade.

  • I have trouble with both, but more experience with GIMP. I can't stand all the little tool buttons with no text. I want the name of each tool always visible on its button.

    I have the same problem with Inkscape.

  • Concatenative Programming

    Subset Park: Combinatory Programming


    zpy: Zsh helpers for Python venvs, with uv or pip-tools


    zpy: Zsh helpers for Python venvs, with uv or pip-tools

  • It's more about replacing typed text than using shortcuts, but there's espanso.

  • Concatenative Programming

    Introducing pql, a pipelined query language that compiles to SQL (written in Go)

    Concatenative Programming

    tomhrr/cosh: Concatenative command-line shell

    Concatenative Programming

    Swanson: Slip and slurp | Douglas Creager

    Concatenative Programming

    Show off your solutions to Exercism's 48in24, but in your favorite stacky lang!

    Concatenative Programming

    StonkDragon/Scale: A procedual concatenative stack-oriented compiled programming language inspired by Porth.