Ankkuli @ Ankkuli Posts 1Comments 46Joined 2 yr. ago

Really disappointed with the second season. Might not continue with a third one if they don’t promise it’s the final season. I just can’t with the mystery that refuses to go anywhere.
This comment section is one big whoosh.
Käyttääkö fediversumia vain vasemmistopuolueiden ehdokkaat?
Why didn’t you link a license with this comment?
Wouldn’t just ”exclusive” be the word that your argument would be better with?
I liked The Gorge because Anya was great in it.
These comments are depressing.
Ridley's output has been very meh in recent years. Tony Scott was the better Scott.
What a relief.
This seems great, thank you. Do you donate to them or is it good even for free users?
What specific technical properties enable a display panel to detect touch more sensitively? Is it just software where even smaller touch input is registered?
The feature sounds interesting, but I haven’t had any problems with screen protectors so I don’t know if there is any advantage to it.
It has Qi2 at least which seems to be impossible for other Android vendors to implement.
A surprise to be sure but a welcome one.
Young Avengers have started to team up at least.
”Jump ahead” and ”conversational AI” for some reason are US only.
TLDR: only in the US.
anticompetitive behavior
How? They are making their own products worse by not including all the features they could. It’s a self-inflicted handicap which makes competing products, those that are willing to include AI powered features in the EU, just this much more appealing.
Up to this point EU has been on a mission to force Apple in a weakened position compared to the rest of the market. Now the added competition is a problem for EU?
Sketchy as heck but it works.
Tim Epic is a jackass.