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Let's discuss: DOOM
  • Doom 1 is the one that will always hold a place in my heart. The family PC back then only ran at 25MHz and Doom required 33 so my Dad would bring his work laptop home for me to play on. No headphones but it didn't matter, it was such an impactful experience for me as a kid and I'll always remember it fondly.

    I got to meet Jon Romero a few years back too - they say you shouldn't meet your heroes but he is definitely an exception. Super nice dude and he blocked out a full hour on his calendar to just chat with me.

  • how can I develop a thick skin?
  • I think that's a great metaphor and great advice. When it dawned on me that I don't have to react it was actually quite relieving. It's never easy, but it doesn't have to be so hard.

  • Largest Study of its Kind Shows Outdated Password Practices are Widespread
  • I've come across a few sites that require one upper case, one number and one symbol (from a short list). Not at least one of each, no no, precisely one of each. One site even forced the password length to be exact -_-

  • This is literally the internet nowadays without an adblock
  • I once had a user whose PC would freeze every time they tried to see their desktop. Like, you minimise something full screen and the PC would freeze for a few minutes and crawl while the desktop was in view.

    Turns out they had more than 4,000 items on their desktop.

    That day I learned where Windows puts icons that don't fit on the desktop (it stacks them all on the first icon's place, lol). And this wasn't even the problem they called about! They were just grumpily blaming Microsoft and working around it for years.

    I guess my point is computer illiterate/belligerent people will find a way around the problems they cause and just blame something/someone else.

  • Apple threatens repairman with "4 to 8 years in prison"
  • What? No, obviously not. I'm just responding to the article you posted where they ask him not to use their trademarks. I've seen lots of 3rd party repair shops use the Apple logo which is what gets the legal team on you, I assume this is what's happening here.

  • Apple threatens repairman with "4 to 8 years in prison"
  • He's acting like they're trying to shut him down whereas in reality they want him to stop using their trademarks.

    This is only news because he's got a big social media following.

    You can't use trrademarks of other companies without their permission, who knew 🤷‍♂️

  • what E-Mail provider do you use and why
  • RE email clients, I think in the personal space it's much more common to use the web app these days. I find the inverse is true for the business space. What desktop client do you use, out of interest? I've been a long time commercial Google user but want to move away and will likely switch to a desktop client along with that change

    IP address and domain name can both be used for email reputation purposes. If you self host on a cloud provider that isn't strict enough on outbound spam, for example, then you might find your sending IP gets blacklisted by virtue of being in an IP range with spammers.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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