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Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, landmark study finds
  • "So in short eat vegan like a poor vegan not like a rich person who thinks veganism is trendy"

    But in the context of this conversation, wouldn't eating like a poor vegan rely heavily on buying products that also have a heavy impact on the environment?

    You would have to buy cheaper products which come from mass produced farms that use TONS and TONS of water! And generate TONS and TONS of carbon emissions during production of those products.

    To be vegan AND advocate for conservation(you can advocate for something no matter your own behavior. That's the wrong word to use) to claim that your lifestyle is better for the environment than your non-vegan counterparts, you have to have money.

  • TIL it’s the right of women of all ages to go topless wherever men can in the states of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma, including all their cities.
  • I'm not saying I would be walking around with a boner. I'm saying I would want to look at naked breasts because I appreciate female bodies (in this case, specifically the chesticle region) no matter the shape. Are you shaming me for that?

    Sure, if everyone walked around naked 24/7, it would probably be less of an issue. Do you believe that everyone walking around naked 24/7 is a viable option?

    And also, you seriously believe that it is an issue ONLY with Western cultures and Abrahamic religions?! I'm starting to think you have never spoken to someone from China or Japan about their societal norms.

  • TIL it’s the right of women of all ages to go topless wherever men can in the states of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma, including all their cities.
  • Are you male or female? In this case, it matters.

    You see, males (for the most part) ARE attracted to breasts! It's hard wired in our brains! Even gay friends have an obsession with boobs! We men LOVE boobs!!

    If you want to go topless, I say: FUCK YEAH!!! But I feel like the disconnect comes from some people feeling violated if men stare. I'm sorry, but if there are boobs within eyeshot, I'm gonna be looking at them. I might try to hide my gaze (because I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable), but I'm gonna be checking them out. As frequently as possible. Because.....boobs!!

    I'm sorry if this is not the kind of response you were looking for, but.....BOOBS!!

  • Conservatives don't understand how to human.
  • Big "perpetually online" oof energy right here.

    Go out. Meet people. Maybe consider a "dumb" flip phone if the Internet is too much for you. I promise you: the world isn't as bleak as the Internet has made you believe it is.

  • Conservatives don't understand how to human.
  • Unless it's you. Then it's fascist horror.

    As long as it's your beliefs that are being forced, genocide is a-ok!

    Because you are super smart and know what's best!!

    "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others!!"

  • Green stooge Jill Stein paid $100,000 to a Republican consulting firm led by a suspected January 6 rioter
  • Lol! Only 2 weeks ago I made the following post on Reddit in response to a non-American who was asking why 3rd party candidates never won I elections:

    "Anytime someone gets close, the media makes them out to be a joke. They bash the third party relentlessly and make the two sides believe that voting for them would be a waste. Because the "Big Club" (ref. George Carlin) doesn't want any other parties involved. And people are just stupid enough to know they are being duped but go along with it anyway.

    Then, we get to the point of no return and voters are made to believe that if they vote for the third party candidate, they are actually voting for tyranny. And it ALWAYS works.

    The USA doesn't want to be free. We don't want to make things better. We want to WIN!!! No matter the issue, no matter the consequences, no matter what you believe, "I need the validation of my team winning!" WIN!! WIN!! WIN!!!

    That's all that matters."

    And now every other post is a "How Jill Stein is a piece of shit" post.

    We deserve this fucking clown show.

  • Capitalist logix
  • Having been the one who brought it up, (and since I got here first) I guess I will super duper reluctantly be the enforcer. I super don't want to y'all guys! But this is for the good of the collective!

  • Nate Silver issues "good news" for Harris on electoral college chances
  • No. Per their post, they already have it in their mind that he will "steal" it, so even if it was an absolute landslide and there was no funny business to be heard of, he cheated.

    Now That's What I Call Democracy™!!! Vol. 47

    You see, there is only ever fraud if your candidate loses.

    P.S. I will not be voting for Trump in the coming election. I just know you will dismiss me as a "MAGAt Ultra Trumpetearista" or whatever other name is popular now for it.

  • Protesters outside New York Times demand newspaper 'stop normalizing Trump'
  • Oh no, sweetie. You didn't get the memo. Genocide is totally ok as long as it's Democrats that are arming the effort. Actually: don't even mention this fact. Like, EVER!

    You see, it's more important that Democrats win than it is to protect the innocent in another country. You don't even see those horrors in person! Don't worry about it!! 🤣


  • Starlink v2 satelites will ruin science.
  • Well.......yeah, but what about the "Fuck Elon Musk" initiative? YOU HAVEN'T THOUGHT OF THE "FUCK ELON MUSK" INITIATIVE YOU BITCH!!

    This is the equivalent of the 5G panic, but it suits the perpetually online population better, so it's totally not a conspiracy theory this time.

  • Trump is a threat to democracy. That's not rhetoric, it's verifiable fact
  • I have to assume you learned the literal definition of rhetoric because you attended at least one higher level education course. (Just to be clear: I am complimenting your understanding of the fact that words have meaning).

    Most people absolutely use the word "rhetoric" to mean "lie", or more frequently: "a pathos that directly contrasts my own".

    It has basically been forced into a completely different meaning as part of the lexicon of internet speech.

  • Scientific American
  • Correct.

    It means that the population of this country relies heavily on the opinions of heads of publications, heads of corporations and focus group tested celebrity tweets to make decisions on who they should vote for to run their lives.

    This, in turn, means that our elections are completely meaningless. The win goes to the richest candidate.

  • What is your favourite breakfast food?
  • Breakfast Tacos!!

    Flour tortilla stuffed with scrambled eggs, bacon strips and/or ground breakfast sausage, cheddar cheese, refried beans (optional), and a line of habanero hot sauce.

    Fucking 😙🤌!!!

    It's also one of the best hangover cures!

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