BeMoreCareful @ BeMoreCareful Posts 1Comments 157Joined 2 yr. ago
Yeah, but who's really going to go after that one?
Ah, thank you. My brain just wasn't clicking
What is this reference?
I always get a kick out of these.
All I got was whoop ass
This AI thing may catch on
Eww god lol.
Nobody needed those words together.
Tech is the post regulation industry. It was born after we Reaganomics the business landscape. Other areas are just further behind as they had pesky regulators for most of their history.
I can't think of any links to flags and politics.
Are you just trying to make people feel old?
I'm not saying it's unmanly or anything, but sweet jebus that's a lot of sugar. It's like 5grams per tablespoon. That's like a third.
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On the phone, Musk said that he was looking at his laptop and could see “the entire war unfolding” through a map of Starlink activity. “This was, like, three minutes before he said, ‘Well, I had this great conversation with Putin,’ ” the senior defense official told me. “And we were, like, ‘Oh, dear, this is not good.’ ”
It's like the Elon India Tea Company. Strange to think we've got so many individuals that rival any sort of elected officials and that our government is becoming aware of this. Elon in particular seems to have the US over several barrels, space, battlefield communications, recharge stations, and now Twitter and AI possibly from the bottom of a k hole.
Wild, also: I forget how good the New Yorker is. That whole article was fascinating. I feel like I learned a lot and it was interesting.
Sad guillotine noises
That's where the vampires are. Leave it alone.
Calling Kim Jong Un: Kim seems weird.
More like Ben-Lenin-Franklin, no way some commie library would fly today.
For real though, everyone the dipsticks get worked up about woke books, I fear for our institutions.
This was the Mormon agenda all along.