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How come LED Light Bulbs only last for about 2-3 Years?
  • This guy watched The Lightbulb Conspiracy... Am I right..?

  • Ai Weiwei Speaks Out After His Sculpture Is Destroyed by Notorious Vandal
  • Never saw that art before. Don't know what it represents. Don't know anything about the artist. Trashing art is a terrible thing, full stop.

  • It technically qualifies
  • Post this to the Briar sub/lemmy/space, they need content :)

  • They have the whole world at their fingertips...
  • Solid use of 'Chode'. Glad that's coming back around.

  • Is there is any modern Reddit alternative on the fediverse?
  • Does anyone have any good alternatives to my hometown, due to all the problems my hometown has? I dont want to get involved and help with my hometown, just stand in the town square and ask where a better town is. Oh, and don't suggest the neighboring towns either.

  • What technology will date us in the future?
  • Bezels..?

    Auto correct is dumb

  • Looking for Diary App or something similar
  • Diarium Encrypted, save local or your own cloud solution, good features, templates, time stamping, media, weather, etc. Been using it for years.

  • Kurt Russell Had To Drag James Spader Out Of His Trailer For Stargate
  • Fast food roast beef sandwiches. Exactly what they are when fresh, nightmares an hour later

  • TIL "How do you dress?" means "Which pants leg do you put your penis down?"
  • It was, "Which side do you dress to?" around here. Especially if i was a woman doing the measurements for the tailoring.

  • Is 0.3 quarts extra too much oil in a car?
  • *Old man knowledge here, not a professional mechanic. *

    It's fine.

  • It should be about *rehabilitation*
  • This is dice propaganda from bad dice that want you to stop punishing them. Don't fall for it.

  • How and why did humans start consuming chicken eggs?
  • Wasn't the first eggs we ate as a species and they were relatively easy to get compared to larger game or birds that flew

    We probably started eating eggs in general cause we saw other animals eating them and we liked protein too.

  • Number of email accounts for financials
  • Sure. It can be "less" secure from a procedural perspective because it increases the complexity of the user accessing their info. The more difficult/complicated it is for the user, the more likely of user mistakes exposing their accounts in one way or another. Obviously there are password apps that allow for seamless login (some of those can also be problematic), which alleviates the complexity, but then you have multiple email accounts to manage on some level for the various services and websites you use.

    End of day, if it works, it works, but it's important to pay attention to your user experience while also taking in to account the various tools (strong pass, mfa, etc) when setting yourself up. If you get annoyed that you have too many emails to manage, you might be more likely to not log out, or not use mfa, etc.

    edit wasn't trying to say it was WAY more insecure to use separate emails, just that it probably wasn't necessary if you have different pass and use mfa. Sometimes 'more, better' isn't 'more-better'.

  • Number of email accounts for financials
  • They'd only have all account info if the passwords were also the same and you didn't avail yourself of 2fa/mfa. It's better to have different strong passwords/long passphrases and use mfa. Separate email accounts become their own vectors for account hacking, not to mention that any personal security scheme you have that becomes too complicated with multiple accounts to juggle is it's own security problem.

  • Alpha Release [v0.3.0]: Modlogs, mod reports, and more customizations!
  • Howdy. Great App!

    I appreciate that Thunder has a "Tablet Mode" so i can run two stacks of tiles to navigate Lemmy. My daily driver is a zFold 4 and because of the aspect ratio when open, single tile feeds aren't as good.

    Unfortunately, as of the new update, the thumbnail views of the pictures associated with the posts are often squeezed or stretched. The tile isn't respecting the picture's ratio when building the tile. It's certainly a QoL thing, but it would be cool if it was corrected.

    Thank you for all your hard work. The app is really solid.

  • Removed
    SKIP THIS POST --My app wasn't slow, i needed to CLEAR MY CACHE! (edited for nice)--
  • Ahhh. That is good to know. Well, my most down-voted post will at least have taught me something. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

  • Smartphone Keyboard Information Bonanza: What's available and what's best for your needs

    Howdy. I wanted a central place for information surrounding smartphone keyboards since there have been some changes recently to a few of them. I hope to keep this post afloat over the long term so we can share experiences, information, news, etc to find the perfect smartphone keyboard for ourselves and help others do the same.

    Smartphone keyboards are unique apps. How a person interacts with the device they probably use more consistently than any other is a big consideration. Add to that the potential for direct data theft through the keyboard itself potentially being a fancy keylogger and it makes sense to pay more attention to the app that many of us dont give a second thought to.

    To that end, i think we should crowdsource 1st hand usage experience coupled with news and information to make a list of keyboards. Everyone has different priorities, use cases, and needs. The list should reflect that diversity.

    "Why now borZ0, whats the big deal?"

    Well, i used Swype (which is the greatest of all keyboards in ever forever) until the most recent version of OneUI came out and borked it. ( be fair, from what i understand, no development has been done with Swype since it sold years back and this was bound to happen) Since my precious keyboard was ripped from my hands I've been trying very hard to like samsung's native keyboard... trying so hard.... but am open to something that better fits my use case. I'm more privacy and security focused now and would prefer a keyboard that wasn't feasting on my user data. If this thread gets enough data, maybe we can put together a spreadseet listing multiple data points....?

    I'm writing this from a coffee shop and will add more of my own experiences and collected data over the next couple days but wanted to get the ball rolling. Please post your own experiences, links to articles, wikipedia, inevitable Lemmy posts that have aleady talked about this (even links to the site which shall not be named are useful) and we can start getting a list/ table together.

    Tldr: Smartphone keyboards are important and often lame. Thoughts?

    Beginning list:

    GRIPE: When I switch home-ships, all my display gear gets dumped together with everything else.

    To start, I'm glad that your ship inventory follows you when you switch home ships. It would be a pain to have to transfer everything manually and end up with multiple ships housing forgotten inventory forcing you to search ship after ship in your fleet to find specific items. However, my primary ship is built out to have an armory with cool things I've found displayed in weapon cases, on racks, etc. When you switch your home-ship, everything is dumped in to main inventory on the new ship, and even if you switch back to your original ship, the items are again dumped in to the main inventory. Not only does this hamstring the coolness of being able to display gear on a ship, but it can screw you over if the display items put your total inventory overweight in main storage. Over the course of certain questlines, you need to switch ships for the story, or maybe you come across a ship you decide to "liberate", or maybe it's a ship is a quest reward, regardless, your inventories get jumbled up. It seems to me, that your items could be tagged by the game to indicate which storage they were in (main, captain's, other, display) so that as they move from ship to ship they can be better located. Additionally, I think the game could save the state of your inventory items and when they go back to a ship you've already set up, they would default to where they were before. I guess we'll have to see what the modders can do.

    TLDR: Why would I take the time to display my items if it's all going to get thrown in to main storage anytime I switch ships..?
