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Uh Oh! (Game Show)

What do you say when...

You hit a foul ball/home run into a hornet's nest full of raging wasps/through the window of the police station?

Your doctor looks at your X-ray and screams?

Your parents find your secret collection of late slips/adult videos?

You drop a stack of your mother's antique plates?

You discover you forgot to charge your phone overnight?

You realize your appointment is actually today but you're not prepared to go?

You sneak into your sister's room and find a voodoo doll of yourself?

You realize today's the day your boss gives you a pink slip?

You're driving and your 3/4s close to the airport only to discover you've run out of gas and the plane leaves in 5 minutes?

You suck up an entire pot of stew but your stomach rejects it?

You drop your money down the outhouse toilet?

Your new neighbour turns out to be your school principal?

You sneeze all over your teacher's face?

Your boss intercepts the private note you passed onto your co-worker?

Your snoring takes over the important work meeting?

You spill the final shipment of a discontinued beverage?

You're one excuse note away from being expelled?

You discover your car was accidentally filled with the diesel pump instead of the gas pump?

Your nose starts bleeding... in a piranha-infested pond?

Your leftover soup explodes in the cafeteria's microwave?

You realize you walked into the crowded swimming pool without your swimsuit?

You dream about eating a giant cracker only to wake up and find your blanket gone?

You realized you left the car trunk open overnight?

Your cat marks their territory all over your math homework?

Your dog really does eat your homework/bills/taxes/paperwork?

You realize the apple you ate was in your locker for a year?

You drop your sister's video game into the bathtub?

Your smelly sandwich contaminates the restaurant kitchen?

You realize you wore red clothing to a bull fight?

Your paper plane hits your boss' back?

The mechanical horse ride breaks free from it's supports and starts to rampage?

You throw a beanball at your mother's window?

You realize you ate all the treats you were suppose to sell?

You realize your contractor is really a con man?

You fall asleep in the tanning bed for 12 hours?

You accidentally record TV shows over your parent's honeymoon video?

You blow the amplifiers on your cousin's subwoofer?

Your cat eats your neighbour's petunia patch?

You get caught sneaking into an 18+ adult movie?

Your pet bird escapes from your bedroom?

Your dog leaves paw prints all over the new carpets?

The whole team misses the ferry because you slept in?

Your new squirrel grows into a skunk?

An animal follows you home from the zoo?

You're washing laundry and everything shrinks?

That crunching sound under your foot turns out to be your dad's pipe?

You drop your excavator's cleanup bucket onto the 6-inch thick bridge?

You clog up the only toilet at the construction site?

Your new neighbors turn out to be the mafia?

You turn in your diary instead of your essay?

You bend over and start hearing a ripping sound? !

InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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