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What letter has the best games?
  • For the sake of adding something new, X is pareto optimal in terms of having both the best and the fewest games.

    • Xenogears
    • Xenosaga (maybe, haven't played it yet)
    • Xenoblade anything
    • X-COM anything

    I'd probably be content with only playing games from the Xeno- meta-series alone.

  • Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • If you cannot trust in a randomly selected group of people making good decisions, can you trust in any kind of democracy? I, for one, prefer 'dumb' people being directly involved instead of having a lying contest every so often to see which actively evil person can get the most 'dumb' people behind him.

  • Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • Politicians. Don't get me wrong, we do need them, but I strongly oppose the existance of people who never did anything else.

    I believe we'd be better off with a new set of randomly chosen citizen every so often. Kinda like jury duty.

  • Unicorn Overlord shipments and digital sales top one million
  • I really love the game, it's well deserved. However, towards the end it kinda fell apart a bit - at least my gameplay devolved into randomly shuffling units around before each fight to turn an overwhelming defeat into an overwhelming victory.

  • The Typical American Lives Only 18 Miles From Mom
  • The median distance without anything else is worthless. The median only represents the "typical American" if we're working with some kind of bell curve, which can't be true since a sizable chunk of people still lives with their parents. For all I know 49% of people could be living with their parents and another 49% could have moved far away - the median still only shows a data point from the remaining 2% of people.

  • Tax the rich! EU-Petition jetzt zeichnen!
  • Es gibt zwar linke Medien, aber wirklich linke Medien sind zu klein um gesehen zu werden. Alles, was genug Reichweite hat, gehört jemanden, der hierbei etwas zu verlieren hat, nehme ich an.

  • 🚑 Ärzte ohne deutschen Pass: bleiben oder gehen? - Ein Viertel der Krankenhausmediziner in Thüringen sind Migranten. Der Rechtsruck macht ihnen Sorgen.
  • Definitiv, meine Hoffnungen liegen auf den Leuten, die wir noch nicht ganz verloren haben. Der Brexit scheint ja auch einigen Briten dabei geholfen zu haben ihre unglaubliche Dummheit ein klein wenig zu realisieren.

    Mit etwas Glück haben die rechten Schandflecken bis zur Bundestagswahl genug angerichtet um den Rest des Landes aufzuwecken... Ich weiß, ich greife nach Strohhalmen.

  • Mandatory Boomer post
  • I'm glad people are finally coming around to this. There is still fun to be had in Skyrim, but it released around the same time as Dark Souls, Witcher 2, Risen 2 and Fable 3 among others. Not all of them are better games, however Skyrim most certainly isn't the best one.

  • 🚑 Ärzte ohne deutschen Pass: bleiben oder gehen? - Ein Viertel der Krankenhausmediziner in Thüringen sind Migranten. Der Rechtsruck macht ihnen Sorgen.
  • Ich gönne den Nazis ihre Misere voll und ganz, wenn sie dann nahezu ohne ärztliche Behandlung auskommen müssen. Ich hoffe nur für alle anderen, dass sie möglichst sorgenfrei an einen besseren Standort kommen.

    Leider glaube ich fest daran, dass wir die geistige Bremsspur im Kopf der Bevölkerung nur loswerden können, wenn sie die Kosequenzen ihrer Dummheit zu spüren bekommen.

  • AfD im Wahlkampf - Tabubruch folgt auf Tabubruch
  • Gehe jetzt eine Koalition ohne AfD an den Start, müssten Parteien miteinander regieren, die kaum Gemeinsamkeiten hätten

    So traurig und so wahr. Die AfD ist ein menschenverachtender Scheißverein und die meisten anderen Parteien nutzen diesen Scheißhaufen in der Parteilandschaft um selbst zu zeigen wie tief ihre Abgründe gehen. Da bleibt nicht viel Platz für Gemeinsamkeiten mit anderen Parteien...

  • What do you think about random encounters?
  • I've come around to really liking them. In short, they vastly improve dungeons in my opinion.

    Most RPGs don't manage to create interesting battles outside of boss fights. Heck, an increasing amount of RPGs fails to create any kind of challange. However, random encounter can add another layer to dungeons: resource management. You have to plan out how to tackle fights in order to get through the dungeons with your limited items/MP - do you sacrifice more HP or do you go for your strongest attacks? How much exploration can you get in? Do you need to be extra careful and plan for stronger rare encounters? Maybe even plan around lvl up healing.

    Sadly, this layer is easily removed. Overworld encounters? Just dodge everything. Adjustable encounters? Grind just enough, go heal and disable encounters. Non-challanging fights? Just use basic attacks. Healing stations? No need to plan anymore. Ideally, the dungeons provides no healing at all - especially not before encountering the boss.

    If you're interested in a game with great dungeons, I'd recommend every single Etrian Odyssey.

  • Decks for starting out


    I'm fairly new to Master Duel and didn't play much Yu-Gi-Oh! in general for the past decade - you could say I'm a complete amateur.

    Now, I've done most of the solo mode stuff to get to know some more archetypes and played the current Theme Chronicles event to the point where I got all obtainable gems with the vendread loaner deck. Luckily, the loaner was actually quite good, so I didn't need to build a deck. (Got all gems with a 22:8 win ratio.)

    After all of this, I want to dive into ranked. For the solo mode stuff I've used an Endymion deck, which seems to be rouge at best - and I've only got the bare basics for the deck anyway (pretty much no extra deck). But now I have no clue which deck to go for. I don't know shit about the meta game and even less about the longterm viability of decks, as I don't want to spend all my ressources on building a deck that will banned soon anyway (like, Baronne seems like something that will be banned soon). Or worse, something that is simply unfun to play.

    I don't particually enjoy stun decks and I'm not into all or nothing combo decks ending on a board full of generic boss monsters (looking at the new superheavy stuff). Is there something viable to start building, ideally with a low power version to test the strategy, before commiting to pulling/crafting all cards needed? (like, Mannadium would take all my ressources and it's gamble if I'd like it)

    Got some minor troubles with Godot itself, am I missing settings?

    I'm just starting out with Godot and I've run into some strange or unwanted behaviors. Maybe some of you can help me fix them. I'm currently running Godot on arch linux with x11/i3 as my desktop environment.

    1.) Godot got some really aggressive focus. The editor grabs the focus mid typing in other applications and suddenly I'm tying there. With i3 being a tiling manager, Godot is sometimes passively resized when I resize another window - of course it also immediately gets itself focused and messed the resizing up.

    2.) The focus within Godot is even stranger. I can ctrl c + ctrl v nodes just fine on a freshly opened project. But once I've a clicked a single property in the import or inspector docker, ctrl c + ctrl v will work exclusively there. Even if the import docker is hidden underneath the scene docker where I'm clicking the nodes I want to copy/paste.

    3.) The last one is about using an external editor. Whenever Godot encounters a bug, it will automatically open the script in question. Which is annoying because I use vim for everything and will throw warnings at me, that the file has been changed. I've looked through all editor settings and tried setting vim as my external editor but the behavior persists.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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