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Unpopular opinion
  • Thanks Peter!

  • 1st rule of buddy system
  • Small modular nuclear reactors get a reality check in new report
  • IIRC the French reactors are all nearing their end of service life and'll be decommissioned soon.

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1
  • What definition for piracy are your relying on?

    The illegitimate procurement of media.

    where did you source it?

    My ass.

    Does DMCA even have a definition for this?

    Can't help you there, I'm not American.

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1
  • I've not argued any of those points. Just that not watching ads on YouTube is piracy.

    In the UK, piracy isn't a legally defined term, and the way that I would define piracy as the illegitimate procurement of media.

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1
  • but TOS is often illegal anyway.

    Piracy isn't only a legal thing. It's just dealt with through the legal system.

    I'm not modifying any of the content

    Sorry, I was wrong. You are however circumventing YouTube's playing ads.

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1
  • I'm a pedantic asshole.

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1
  • You don't have permission to modify any of the content YouTube sends you.

    Section: Permissions and Restrictions Point 2

    circumvent, disable, fraudulently engage, or otherwise interfere with the Service (or attempt to do any of these things), including security-related features or features that: (a) prevent or restrict the copying or other use of Content; or (b) limit the use of the Service or Content;

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1
  • Piracy is sharing content that you don't have the rights to share.

    I'd classify watching something on as piracy.

    I'd also class bypassing Netflix's login requirements to watch their catalogue as piracy. But I guess that's more a semantics thing.

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1
  • Not saying you shouldn't block ads, just questioning the OCs comment. If you don't pay for the service monetarily or through data then imo it's piracy.

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1
  • Isn't it? You're not paying for a service / product.

  • Ireland, Spain and Norway to recognise Palestinian state
  • dismantling the brutal apartheid regime

    No where does that say dismantling Israel.

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • That stuff sucks, and to add to your first point, I love hanging out with kids. They view the world in an interesting way that usually leads to funny out of context quotes about their parents.

    But would I go up to even an acquaintances kid to talk? No. Since I'm a 199cm (🇲🇲6'6🇱🇷) hunk of man meat, I'd probably scare the kid and parent half to death.

    The same goes for anyone, not just women. I don't have the right to make anyone feel unsafe and if I am, then it's my duty to walk away.

    It's not my fault, or yours. It's just the way of things, and the only way we can fix it, is to respect everyone's feelings. Unless they're minimising your loss of someone, in which case fuck them.

  • Gnome's Adwaita team is breaking icon compatibility
  • If you look at every interaction with a Redhat developer in the context of them having KPIs / set work to do. The responses to non critical issues / MRs makes a lot more sense.

    Not saying that it makes it any better tho.

  • Marathoning them all on May 4th, what drinking game can get my friends blasted into hyperspace?
  • I played a LOTR drinking game where you drank for either a landscape, precious or ring. I was late and picked all three, ended up doing something like 60 shots.

    Though I don't really remember anything after the beginning of two towers, and I'm pulling that number out my ass.

  • On your own.
  • IIRC some of the bigger banks / financial institutions use AI for fraud detections as well.

  • As bans spread, fluoride in drinking water divides communities across the US
  • You keep saying waste, I would argue it's a byproduct. Like whey from milk.

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • I based my assumptions on the parts in Revolts privacy policy, since reading the privacy policy of hCatpcha it alludes that each 'vendor' can select how much data they'd like to collect I assumed that Revolt only allowed them to collect IP, length of time on site and mouse movements. While they do sell information, they claim it to be anonymised and I contacted support to see how they did that for IP addresses.

    Which is why I don't really mind. The information they have of me is at most how my cursor moved, how long I took to Submit a login request, Submit a registration request, Submit a password reset / email resend request and an obfuscated IP. Seems OK to me.

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • That's the part of hCaptchas policy that's relevant to Revolt.

    For the analysis, hCaptcha evaluates various information (e.g. IP address, how long the visitor has been on the website or app, or mouse movements made by the user). The data collected during the analysis will be forwarded to IMI.

  • The Phoronix forms, where AMD and NVIDIA engineers can effectively communicate

    Michael should be getting royalties

    [AUR] Brightness: Control Your Desktop Monitor Brightness

    cross-posted from:

    > I've been wanting a reason to learn rust and decided to update a bash script I had on the AUR. If you've got any suggestions for improvements, feel free to create an issue / merge.

    [AUR] Brightness: Control Your Desktop Monitor Brightness

    I've been wanting a reason to learn rust and decided to update a bash script I had on the AUR. If you've got any suggestions for improvements, feel free to create an issue / merge.
