Duamerthrax @ Duamerthrax @lemmy.world Posts 31Comments 3,489Joined 1 yr. ago
I don't care anymore. I don't have the energy to keep caring. People keep making the same, selfish decisions and if you voice any opposition, you get push back and get told you need some "common sense".
No. They were just drunks at the local bar, drinking themselves into an early grave. Or they joined the military to commit war crimes.
Deleting the record of a women's scientific achievements isn't the same as firing (or declining to renew a contract) of someone who's falsifying test results or just being an ass.
I wonder which person you're actually referring to. Have a few names we can "peer review"?
Me: 'It sure looks like rising CO2 levels are bringing climate change."
Them: "coRreLaTIOn dOes Not MEan cAusaTIon!"
You don't need the shirts to exist, but he needs money for food and shelter. Would you rather he book private shows for elites?
I once saw a post about Oni, a 2001 Bungie game get deleted from the Bungie subreddit for not being Bungie related.
I've gotten shit for taking apart the filter screen on my toilet's filler and cleaning out the sediment when I could just spend $20 to replace it. It's really not even that hard once you figure out the trick for spreading the clips holding it together. They really didn't want this to be user fixable.
We're building concentration camps.
Also, we never gave a shit about civil rights. That's why everyone quickly forgot about Obama's promises to close Gitmo completely and now it's expanding. Fuck everything about what voters want. Fuck everything about this country.
Ironically, a large factor was that the Northern States wanted the right to ignore the Fugitive Slave Act. They were based like that.
They didn't teach anything LGBTQ+ related in NJ schools from the 90's to 00's that I remember.
You mean like eating undercooked bear meat?
Lick a toilet.
Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
The cars at least could be hand waved that they could have been before Musk went maskoff, but the Cybertrucks, like the one pictured are from well after that and what I think we're all talking about. Cybertruck owners are making a very different political statement compared to the early car owners.
Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
They also cancelled their tours and told their audience to practice proper covid protections.
Setup a script to use wget to grab a copy of the page every six hours or so?
Glances are rightwingers in Germany, Japan, India, UK...
*corporate wants you to find the difference meme
I would wait for a Canada or EU approved vaccine.
Will they require people to be vaccinated to travel if they're explicitly traveling there to be vaccinated?

Man aged 59 and ¾ discovers climate change after dismissing it for 30 years on his show. Still wont say it's man made.

Phy The Neutrophil(full time biology professor/part time vtuber) is doing a 12 hour marathon lecture to fund raise for St.Judes

Community college is a joke and shouldn't preclude entering a 4year as a Freshman.