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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • A guess/suggestion:

    You have an app with a private key. The qr code contains data encrypted with the corresponding public key. Your app decrypts the data and transmits it to googles servers, proving you are in possession of the secret key.

  • Well...

    Since they didn't get trapped in the barrow downs (and subsequently saved by Tom) they didn't find the barrow swords, specifically enchanted to be effective against the which witch King.

    When merry stabs the which witch king therefore nothing should happen.

    literally unwatchable.

  • We eat like 2 plants. One is brassica mentioned above.

    The other one is nightshade. In the nightshade family we find tomatos, aubergine, tobacco, peppers, physalis, potatoes and of course the extremely toxic bella-donna (deadly nightshade)