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SMTP provider
  • I don't know what you mean by "ethical", but I use Sendgrid. They have a free tier that can send up to 100 emails a day.

  • Plex; Introducing Plex Photos Beta
  • Certain subtitle formats cannot be directly streamed, so your server is probably re-encoding video on the fly to burn in the subtitles. PGS format is actually a series of images and will always require re-encoding video. Picking SRT should work with device direct streaming.

  • I'm crocheting the bags from under my sink into a tote bag.
  • I read this in a Wisconsin accent. Specifically Charlie Berens' voice.

  • Why I still self host my servers (and what I've recently learned)
  • Highly recommend. I moved my web hosting from my home server to a CPX11 server for better uptime (my tinkering around in the homelab was always bringing things down) and couldn't be happier. It's dirt cheap (cheaper than shared web hosting, even), performant (performance is better than shared web hosting) and reliable. With a 20TB bandwidth limit at the lowest tier, I can reverse proxy for most of my homelab, too.

  • I'm not big on this new 'pants' trend.
  • Birds still haven't figured out pants. Bunch of naked musicians, those birds.

  • to check your registration and get your mail-in ballot
  • Holy ADHD, Batman! I sincerely hope you make it all the way to the voting booth and finish submitting a ballot without getting sidetracked in a flea market or something on election day! 😂

    I like the physical contest idea, though. It'll keep candidates younger and campaigns much more interesting.

  • YSK Americans, check to see if you can vote. Its real quick.
  • It's riper, smoked jalapeno, so a bit hotter, but not by an order of magnitude.

  • YSK Americans, check to see if you can vote. Its real quick.
  • Popping corn, coconut oil, salt, cumin, garlic powder, and chipotle powder.

  • Crab types
  • Intimation Crab is giving you subtle claw gestures.

  • Fucking clownshoes. Y'all better vote in America 'cause the Heritage Foundation is full of crazy.
  • Conspiracy theory: Barbra Streisand is actually plotting her own kidnapping, not to sway the election, but to detach her name from the "Barbra Streisand Effect" and send googlers to articles about her plight. Prediction: everybody figures out the truth and it only makes her situation worse, reinforcing her connection to the eponymous effect.

  • This Librarian is an Angel
  • It's 67° in the photo, so it's been... 20 years?

  • Late-night host Amber Ruffin comes out as queer on last day of Pride
  • Same. She wasn't? Edit: her insta post says the news will come as a shock to zero people, so she's aware.

  • Freak in the Sheets
  • Or no longer innocent.

  • me_irl
  • StackAmbulance issue closed as duplicate of 536577. -5 points.

  • [META] Help!
  • It means that there's an expected setup, then a twist. Trump' sons engaged in bribery? Check. It's easy to believe. The subversion happens when we get to the method of payment. We expected unmarked bills or a fraudulent wire transfer, but we got children's snacks, which reframes the whole situation as if they're two kids in a trenchcoat.

    If you remember Rudy Giuliani giving a speech at a landscaping company parking lot, you may remember hilarious news titles referencing the Four Seasons. They were particularly Onion-y, because we expected Rudy Giuliani to spew lies at a press conference, which often happens in hotel conference centers. The Four Seasons hotel would be a reasonable place for the whole thing to go down. He probably announced the location, then found out he couldn't book the hall. Making lies about the election in the Four Seasons Landscaping parking lot across from a sex toy store? Hilarious. It sounds like comedy, but it's reality.

  • [META] Help!
  • Expectation: "Biden funds Israeli war efforts" The subversion is that the Onion title reads between the lines, ignoring normal journalistic nothing-speak to say the quiet part out loud. These each hint at a bit of actual truth, but rather than simply being outlandish (which is our current baseline), these Onion titles all add something to name it now ridiculous. A bribe in child snacks? The bribe is what's expected. The snacks are the unexpected, making the whole thing funny.

  • FlightyPenguin FlightyPenguin
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