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Seriously, why aren't most people using adblock these days
  • The point of marketing is to make people buy stuff they wouldn't have bought otherwise, through manipulation of the brain.

    They are directly responsible for our overconsumption and by extension the huge amounts of plastic waste in the ocean, the destruction of ecology and climate change.

    They are most definitely way worse than tobacco, at least they only damage the body and the people around the user.

  • A cool guide to a cat's age in human years
  • And on what is this based upon?

    Just comparing average life expectancies? Cause that is just dumb.

    A year is one orbit around the sun, this is exactly the same for humans as it is for pets.

  • Anon catches his wife
  • They are still after me, generations have passed and those lesbian friends of my great great great great father do not how to quit

    I tried stabbing, burning, decapitation, even slicing them up in little pieces using a blender. They always return

    I do not know how much longer I can take it, this bloodline needs to end with me, it is the only way for the curse to end. The curse of the eternal lesbians

    .* becomes gay .*

  • Windows 11 is now an ad platform--this is why we're here
  • Sheesh, talk about overreaction.

    Almost all commercial software are advertising their manufacturers other stuff. Ever installed a graphics card driver? How many ads does that show for games and software that can run on the card? Steam also pushes sales by pop-up advertisements.

    Google has been fined multiple times because they went much further than just advertising their own stuff.

    Can you disable ads on an ad platform with a single setting? Didn't think so.

    So no, Windows 11 is not an ad platform, not even close.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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