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mOLecuLaR maN
  • Or staying up longer than you should… or looking at screens too long… or…

    Oy, no need to call me out like that... I should turn off my phone.

  • why waste time sleeping when you could waste it paying for your CEO's lambo
  • Wasn't this on an episode of Trash Future?

  • Water flowing under rule
  • Same as it ever was!

  • What is your business plan?
  • Beef jewelry?

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Truly a man of culture.

  • ik_ihe HorriblePerson
    Can we please just have both?
  • Yes, power output can be regulated in nuclear energy. It is, however, not economical to do so most off the time. Building a nuclear reactor is a massive capital investment, so any time you're not running at 100% you are increasing your payback time, which leads to more expensive electricity.

  • Can we please just have both?
  • That technology is nowhere near mature enough to provide a solution to the mentioned problems in the next decade or two.

  • If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre.
  • I agree with the comic. I do however disagree with the title. I think the Hamas' attack shouldn't to be called "resistance", just as Israel's response shouldn't be called "self defense".

  • Don't be fooled Billy, it's not really a job, more of a parasitic relationship
  • Well, if you don't care if either party wins, vote third party. However, if you really dislike the idea of one party winning over the other, despite hating both, you should really think about how that vote is actually going to affect the future.

    That's not the way it should be, but that's the way it is.

  • Don't be fooled Billy, it's not really a job, more of a parasitic relationship
  • Depends on the voting system tbf. In FPTP, unless one party is extremely unpopular, it often supports your political opponents when you vote third party.

  • Dutch police use water cannon, detain 2,400 climate activists
  • This is the tunnelbak where the main protests are. The speed limit is actually 70 km/h as shown by the sign visible in the street view. It is about 500 meters from where the A12 ends at the corner of the Malieveld.

    I think it is unfair to describe "holding a pre-announced protest" as "jumping into traffic". I imagine they take care to do it safely.

    I think it should also be noted that the road is located directly between parliament and the ministry of economic affairs and climate.

  • They tried
  • The EU supreme court or the EU data protection agency, roughly.

  • Germany begins dismantling wind farm for coal
  • The issue being that of those 17 nuclear plants, the youngest was completed over 30 years before Fukushima. Germany had stopped construction of new nuclear plants way before 2011.

    I agree they shouldn't have closed ones already built of course. That was indeed a knee jerk reaction.

  • Germany begins dismantling wind farm for coal
  • It takes only 5 years to build a nuclear power plant, (...)

    I agree with most of the comment, but this is just an oversimplification. I'm sure that you can build a nuclear power plant in 5 years, if you have the requisite infrastructure, engineers and knowledge. Germany did not have any of those in sufficient amount to build anywhere near enough nuclear reactors between the decision to switch to coal & gas in around 2011 and the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Even France wouldn't be capable of that in such a short amount of time.

    Had they made that decision 30 years ago, sure, but in such short time? No way.

  • furry biden rule
  • Porque no los dos?

  • Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia
  • If profit drives Putin, why Ukraine and not another neighbour who hasn’t been courting NATO and accepting western money, weapons, training, etc since at least circa 2014? The answer is because the US chose Ukraine to provoke Russia.

    Well, there's really no reason to use hard power on any country that hasn't been courting NATO. You can just use soft power (Belarus, Kazakhstan) in that case. Precisely when this ceases to work and a country does starts approaching Russia's rivals, Russia appears to employ their military power (Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine).

  • CAPTCHA: Bot vs. Human. Bot wins.
  • Well, to be fair, it is a depiction of a bicycle.

  • Well well , they dont get appreciated enough !
  • Nah, EA is alright if done properly. The "Longtermism" aspect is pure bullshit though.

  • static
  • Just paint a biker-shaped scorch mark on the asphalt.

  • ik_ihe HorriblePerson
    DnD Memes HorriblePerson
    Current state of the campaign

    No context required

    Peach Strawberry Dry Mead

    Made this about a year ago and it has been aging pretty well. About 12% ABV. I think it still has a slight off-flavour, but that's probably due to not using the best honey.

    HorriblePerson HorriblePerson
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    Comments 22