Their is a movement wanting solar on all viable new builds.
Goven how many are sold to landlords. I assume that is in part the goal of articles like this.
and now can’t get her child into the UK
While more egregious may be common. Separation of family is a clear violation of our EHCR commitments. And refusing entry to parent unless they dump dependent children (let alone babies) is pretty unacceptable attack on refugees. No matter the birth location of that baby.
Our human rights commitments in no way approve locking refugees/asylum cases within our borders. Or rights to change their status based on reproductive choices.
More to the point. Israel the US and the UK have shared intelligence since its formation. Israel has long had a world reputation for very effective intelligence service.
Seems likely agreements along these lines have been committed on and supported since the cold war.
Its not like the UK or US has been doing this stuff for free. They likely owe the Israeli services many favours.
Honest question.
Yep any target based system leads to people manipulating them to pass. It is just a common human response to forced competition.
But calling wait lists pointless is also pointless. Without some better way to ensure patients are getting the service they need as effectively as possible.
So other then spending lots more money. (I agree thats needed but in itself dose not provide metrics of a service)
What would you propose as a method for measuring NHS effectivness.
Certain Bible stories are very different when the whale talks.
Yep. And given some expectations. That is good news.
Honestly the government has not implemented anything that will as of yet effect growth. These things take time.
But some interpretations of the recent budget caused our nations interest rates to go up. Meaning any drop in gdp would lead to deficiency in payments. IE a need to reduce spending or raise income to prevent even higher rates.
Evidence that the economy is stable. Should mean the cost of UK borrowing stops increasing for a while. Allowing the government plans to continue.
It is supposed to turn into the blood of a 2000year dead man. Pretty sure mixing alcohol is a minimum safty requirement.
If asylum is claimed. It is illegal for the UK to reject it based on method of entry.
But they have to be legally in the UK for 10 years anyway. So this is a pointless change that never happened.
Blender supports cuda for much of its gpu work. It will work with amd. And there are projects allowing gpu rendering via amd. But they are (and have been for a while) a long way behind the cuda stuff.
For major rendering projects nvidia is still the fastest set up to use.
AMD. Unless you need blender.
And anyone on the left should also temember our own bias can be a factor.
So it is essential to have studies to back up the things that "seem" obviose.
they want to shoot down nuclear missiles using satellites.
Very Reagan era star wars project of them.
Lol just ordered an air fryer / dehumidifier for this exact reason. Thanks for confirming it works.
As the one I ordered can run at <80c the recommended dehumidifier temp for asa. That is exactly what i plan to try it on.
And hiring a prick with 0 military or tactical experience definatly helps not winning.
Artificial merely implies manmade, as opposed to naturally developed IMO.
Yeah but we do not use it for that anywhere else. Everywhere else we use artificial it is referring to something that dose not contain the original product. And implies something lesser.
When talking about intelligence we use artificial in a unique way to describe something digital or created. And honestly. You better hope emotion is never a part of that creation.
As for you definition of its how humans think. Sorry but you do not know that. It is the very hypothesis I was claiming you need to find a way to test.
As I say we have lots of ideas / hypotheses on human and animal thought. Bot absolutely nothing that would move such into the relms of a theory. As of yet. We are not even sure how to test most of those hypothesis. All we do is measure neurons electrical and chemical transfer. We are a very very long way from tieing that to any process of original thought or generation of ideas.
As I say. Id love it if you were proven correct. But ATM we don't even know how to proove you or anyone else wrong on this subject.
Money and motive. I actually live in one of the few cities that do this.
It is not a perfect solution. And as dumb as this sounds. That is often used as a reason not to spend on such plants. The issue is you simply cannot capture all co2 from burning. And still have to do something with what you do capture. Of course this in no way makes land fill better. But there is a reason for the phrase "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. ". Building waste energy plants is more expensive (much) then continuing to fill a land fill. And people do genuinely use such arguments to refuse the spending.
Add to that local authority government is normally so low turn out. That a few a noted voters can prevent things happening. And you have your answer.
Well yes. The UK government makes no claim of attempting to force religion or secularism onto children. But it dose and has for generation. Force parents to educate their children.
As soon as you force education and remove the options for parents ensure that education meets their own religiose choices. You are forcing changes in those choices from parents to the government.
I am an atheist or agnostic. Depending on how you ask me the question.
But I sure as he'll will never expect my government to force anyone to teach thidr own children using those views. But it is way more important to ensure those children have an education then to force parents to feel their children are interacting with people who feel differently. While I personally think children are better off interacting with multiple views then one. Forcing those with intolerance to those views to home school will never achive that. Other opertunities are a much better option.