Im28xwa @ Im28xwa Posts 12Comments 353Joined 2 yr. ago
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I have used RSS before and didn't like it felt like I was wasting my time scrolling through I kid you not thousands of news topics just to read through only a couple of them that I found interesting now I use Twitter, YT, and a little bit Lemmy as a news source I don't care that much about being up-to-date with the latest news I read whenever I feel like it
the standard Keyboard demands a whopping $350
They are competing hard with apple on being the asshole number 1 in silicon valley
Happy AdAway user:)
3 weeks old account with zero posts and 169 comments excluding this comment
Let's hope at least it gonna be a much higher quality LCD, maybe introduce VRR?
This is awesome
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Me too! if this project comes to flourishing it will take Android gaming to a whole new level basically putting it on the same level as consoles and PC, this has the potential to massively change how we view Android gaming!
Cyberpunk 2077 on Android?! Hell yeah
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Did one of my wishes just come true! Is the goal of this project to be the proton translation layer but for Android!? Where can I stay updated on the progress of the project just joined the discord server!
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Cassia wine will be the Windows games emu for Android
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I'm out of the loop here, are Cassia Wine and Strato new switch emulators for Android and didn't skyline developer abandon the project?
Does lemmy have flairs?
Reddit is to be expected but TikTok, really?! I can't see it a suitable as a search engine+ What an awful experience I had with that platform, it kept showing me garbage content in the 2 times I tried it and yes I tried the "don't show me this type of content anymore" option and it didn't change anything
Really glad to see it
a very plausible outcome for our future but I still hope that we won't get to this
Am I the only one who feels it's weird how we all waiting for the EU to "save" us?! Don't get me wrong I hope they step in and fuck big tech hard
To all of mentioned above from the bottom of my heart