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Who is your favorite artist and what song/album would you recommend?
  • Pearl jam is my favorite band also, and Riot act is probably also my favorite album of theirs.

    If you like Pearl jam, I'd recommend my favorite album of all times: Soundgarden's Superunknown.

    Some of my lesser-known, non-grunge favorites:

  • This kills the christian
  • And greed, well you gotta be wealthy in order to afford giving God a nice juicy tithe. Also gotta be self sufficient.

    According to Luke 16:13 Jesus said “You cannot serve both God and money.”

    Mark 10:21 “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

  • Paris residents set to vote on plan to triple parking charges for SUVs
  • Yes. We need a fertility rate of about 0.01 for several decades, because human overpopulation is the root cause and biggest cause of catastrophic climate change:

    If we choose not to vote in parties to make such laws, we'll be culpable in letting the anthropocene extinction event become a mass-extinction event - wiping out more than 50% of genera and more than 70% of species. If you think too few honey bees are bad, imagine how catastrophic it would be for most living species to go extinct, including almost all the small life forms in the oceans which provide the majority of the biosphere's oxygen.

  • Paris residents set to vote on plan to triple parking charges for SUVs
  • Human overpopulation is the biggest cause of anthropogenic climate change, and the root cause of almost all existential and major ethical problems facing us.

    Becoming a biological parent while our fertility rate is catastrophically and unsustainably high, causes by far more CO2e pollution than anything else.

    We shouldn't just tax these omnicidal people, we should vote in parties that'll make laws to jail or hang people making the world unlivable.

  • KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux
  • It may mean the user doesn't think their use is similar enough to the people who make the distro/DE, or trust the distro makers' decision making ability.

    If a distros' makers think snaps are a good idea, or that the distro shouldn't by default show available security updates, or have a UI that hides how many open instances there are of a program unless you hover over an icon, or hides the titles of those open programs, or hides panels; then the way I use a PC is too different from the way they do - and there are likely more things in the background that we disagree with which can't as easily be changed like UI settings.

  • The Party of Christian Values
  • Which English translation do you prefer and recommend? I like NET because of it's less-rights reserved copyright, but for ease of understanding I prefer translations that use contemporary language instead of just footnotes.

    be kind to them. Fight violence and oppresion with kindness. draw attention to them.

    I think this characterization of turning the other cheek is more complete and supported by the nearby text, even for someone like me who prefers Jefferson's eliding.

    Re: "do not resist", are there other nearby passages that expand it to more than just refraining from violence, into actually resisting evil persons? I ethically agree with your expanded position of trying to overcome injustice in this world - but doesn't the quotes of Jesus in the canonical books rely instead on waiting for justice in heaven and hell, and not on Earth?

  • The Party of Christian Values
  • All that stuff about turning the other cheek and going the extra mile-- it’s not saying to just put up with abuse, mistreatment, and injustice. It’s talking about what people like Martin Luther King and Gandhi did, using oppressors violence and mistreatment against them.

    Doesn't it? I think when Jesus said "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." Matthew 5:39 he meant put up with abuse, mistreatment, and injustice - do not resist an evil person and do not retaliate when attacked.

    I think when Jesus said "love your enemies [...] Be perfect" Matthew 5:44, 48 he meant love your enemies and be perfect.

    I think when Jesus said "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor" Matthew 19:21 he meant sell your possessions and give to the poor.

    A lot of supply-side Jesus followers say Jesus supports the troops, and that the eye of the needle the camel needs to go through isn't actually the eye of a needle - but a gate.

    I think the above quotes are good things to do, eventho I'm not an ethical enough person to do them. I also think all the supernatural things Jesus is quoted as saying is bullshit, and that it's better to be honest than to repeat a bunch of stupid fairy tales.

  • The fall of Firefox: Mozilla's once-popular web browser slides into irrelevance
  • a full and clear separation from any potential conflict of interest (while noble) is how projects die.

    There are worse things than death, like being successful by screwing people over and/or making the biosphere unlivable.

  • [Solved] Font not available in Firefox or (Epiphany GNOME) Web browser.
  • Thanks for the comments. Based on them I found which suggested copying the font to ~/.fonts/ (which didn't work) and to /usr/local/share/fonts/ which fixed it - Epiphany can now see the font, and I can now set it as default in Firefox (tho Firefox is ignoring it in a page's CSS).

  • This wasp is half the size of an amoeba and its microscopic brain has a trick up its sleeve..
  • Answer: "The lifespan of these wasps is only 5 days"

    "it's brain cells get rid of their own nucleus and all its stored maintenance information. The neurons already exist, so maintenance is the only task [...] requiring DNA, and they don’t live long enough for that to matter at this point"

    "No nucleus or DNA frees up half of a neuron’s volume"

  • [Solved] Font not available in Firefox or (Epiphany GNOME) Web browser.

    Edit: copying the font to /usr/local/share/fonts/ fixed it. (I downloaded Debian Xfce a while ago because of how much I dislike Snap, so I'll soon replace Xubuntu with it.)

    I recently installed the font “Atkinson Hyperlegible” on Xubuntu 22.04.3 (via right click, Fonts 41.0), and I use it as the Xfce UI font and the default in Mousepad and LibreOffice without any problems.

    However in Firefox 120.0.1 (64-bit), Snap for Ubuntu, canonical-002 - 1.0; it’s not listed at Edit, Settings, Fonts; or Fonts, Advanced…

    When I view an HTML page where the CSS’ body has font-family:"Atkinson Hyperlegible",sans-serif; it also doesn’t use the Atkinson font. That page also doesn’t use Atkinson in the (Epiphany GNOME) Web 45.1 browser.

    Any ideas on how to get Firefox and Epiphany to see it?

    Authoritarians, helping to understand, via Nietzsche's "On the genealogy of morals"

    Jeffrey Kaplan's lecture helped me better understand international relations, war, authoritarians, capitalists, etc. (reading guide (PDF)).

    Ask historians Jack
    Dutch Republic, late 1700s, VOC's legislative influence.

    Did the Staten-Generaal supervise the Heeren XVII, was it the other way round, were they usually the same people, or did it not work like that?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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