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Shower thoughts are wasting water.
  • We've been getting tons of rain here, but we are still in an outdoor water ban.

    Between 8-5, no lawn watering (except golf courses and businesses), no washing your car (except at a car wash), no watering your ornamental plants (except for farms and garden stores). No filling your pool (even a kiddie pool) or running through the sprinkler (except at the water park).

    It's not because of drought, but because one of our water sources is offline due to elevated PFAS, so they are blending water from other reservoirs, and those sources combined can't make up the extra demand.

    And also protecting businesses by making sure we can't wash our own cars or lollygag through our own sprinklers. Gotta pay for that privilege.

    We have to pay...for the privilege...of lollygagging through our sprinklers.

    I get the lawn part. I hate lawns. But my yard is also a barren mud pit. I gotta put something down. Trying for mostly clover and other plants that don't need a ton of water, but they still need to stay moist to germinate and start off, and that's real tough to do if you can't water it during the hottest parts of the day. I don't really care what grows as long as it holds the dirt together and it's comfortable to walk on barefoot.

  • DeSantis vetoes all arts grants in Florida
  • Detroit failed because of automation and off-shoring. Things that could have been repaired or prevented politically, sure. But not directly caused by policies based in bigotry and ignorance.

    If any correlation can be made, it's from white-flight. Which would be caused by Detroit's massive loss of jobs and Florida's massive loss of land. But white flight, imo, is the reaction, not the catalyst, of its downfall.

  • Ape box rule
  • In a different hemisphere than my ancestors, my surname translates to "Go Fuck Yourself".

    Found that out while working in a restaurant staffed by speakers of that language. Thought they were fucking with me but I googled it.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • Hillary lost because she coasted through the end of her run. Everybody thought Trump wouldn't stand a chance. We had more faith in people.

    That and conservative psyops getting Bernie Bros to abstain from holding their nose and voting Hillary because they felt like they were being wronged.

    Hey wait a sec that last part is happening again today...

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
  • You mean to tell me, three days a week, they have to:

    • wake up extra hours early
    • pack a lunch or plan to pay for one
    • put on hard pants
    • drive their own vehicle in traffic, with their own gas and wear/tear
    • pay for their own parking.
    • do the exact same work in their designated space
    • drive back home in traffic 9 hours later

    All for the same pay and several hours away from my family, home, or bed?

    No fucking thanks.

    Going remote was the best fucking raise I ever got, and it didn't cost them a dime.

  • I'm Not a Programmer, but Here’s Why Linux Is My Daily Driver
  • This is bad practice.

    More accurately it should look something like this:

    # Load sys library for exiting with status code
    import sys
    def sayHelloWorld(outPhrase: str="Hello World"):
        # Main function, print a phrase and return NoneType
        return None
    if __name__=="__main__":
        # Provide output and exit cleanly when run from shell
        # Exit with rc!=0 when not run from shell
  • I don't have such weakness
  • You think those preppers were just storing water bottles and bullets?

    Nah man. They gotta be self sufficient. Of course they are stocking chicken chokers, noodle floggers, and meat beaters.

  • TIL if The Bare Naked Ladies had $1m when the song was recorded, and parked it in S&P500, they'd be rich.

    While $1m USD in 1988 is worth only $2.6m in 2024, if they just put it in the S&P 500 back then and left it there, it'd be worth over $44.6m today.

    I don't know if the Dijon ketchup is really worth it.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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