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What an adventure though
  • Crypto? no. NFTs? yeah pretty much.

    Bored Apes have dropped around 3/4 of their value over the past year. They're still worth over $60,000, but anyone that bought them, or any other NFT, over the past year has taken a massive hit.

    The real question is whether NFT prices will cycle with bitcoin when crypto prices spike back up or not. Crypto has always had crazy peaks and dumps, and that pattern will probably continue, but I think NFTs are just going to go to zero. There's no real reason for crypto, so speculating on a thing that has no value that's based on a thing that has no value is real dumb.

  • [Facebook federation megathread] Downvote this post if you want to federate with Threads. (Updated)
  • For real guys, we need a better way to debate, propose and vote on de-federation.

  • Hotel > AirBNB
  • They only reason I started using hotels again is because my fiance gets good deals and they usually upgrade us because she works in the industry 🙂

  • Hotel > AirBNB
  • My problem is that people talk as if these are the only options.

    There are other services, like VRBO, that do the same thing and usually have the same properties. AirBNB is garbage now, so just use an alternative that doesn't have the same bad policies and high fees.

  • WEB 4.69
  • I have supported Discord with a nitro subscription for as long as I've had an account. It's a terrific program and there's no reason to expect premium features for nothing in return. The mentality that everything should be free is why we have so many fucking ad driven online business models and I'm over it. I pay for what I use if it's a good service.

  • 1% rule: 1% of users actively create new content, while the other 99% only lurk.
  • Just look at the ratio on this post for a gold confirmation of those numbers. 300+ comments and 1400+ upvotes. That a decent interaction ratio.

    Even just upvoting is still participation as well. Wiki is different.

  • 1% rule: 1% of users actively create new content, while the other 99% only lurk.
  • Wikipedia is a different concept though.

    This is social media. Wiki is information. I come here to share thoughts, but I only go to wiki to find data.

    Almost everyone on social media posts random bullshit. That's why there are tons and tons of comments on every post.

    Things like reddit and Lemmy probably have at least 50% participation from their daily active users.

  • has now blocked / Meta
  • I posed this question to the admins a while back. How does the community officially suggest instances to defederate. How do we vote on those choices? Where is the process?

    This was during the thing, where that instance (which no longer exists) created a bot to basic just crawl reddit and duplicate posts to their instance. I immediately told the instance admin that they should stop and I asked the admins where the process was to submit a de-federation request.

    All I got was a bunch of BS from users about how de-federation should be something we don't take lightly, blah blah blah, but all I was asking was where the process is. How are we even partaking in a system that's so ripe for admin abuse?

    The admins aren't malicious... they're just in over their heads. They've struggled with the technical side of running the service and they haven't built out some of the social tools that an instance this side needs. Hopefully they mature quickly.

  • We never wash our belts, although they are the first thing we touch when leaving the toilet, even before we wash our hands
  • Yeah I'm having a hard time understanding this entire thread. Like... Is everyone here completely baked?

    We touch our belts and then we wash our hands. Just like we touch our dicks AND THEN WE WASH OUR HANDS.

    y'all are acting like I should be washing my dick too.

  • Why Defederating from Facebook/Meta is So Important
  • No, there's no indication that Meta cares about the Fediverse.

    This is all just a bunch of hype. Yes, of course we'll defederate if they try. I think that's fairly obvious.

  • Locked
    Mastodon's Founder & CEO Gives His Thoughts on Meta's Threads
  • Uh, we need participation from everyone in order for the fediverse to have legitimacy. We unfortunately need those cringe users if we want large scale adoption. Without it everything stays small scale, developers aren't attracted to the concept and people leave for functioning alternatives.

  • Locked
    Mastodon's Founder & CEO Gives His Thoughts on Meta's Threads
  • There's a 90% probability that Threads takes over from the failing Twitter. Nothing will change. No one will learn anything. More of everyone's data will be stollen.

  • The Zuck suck is in full swing.
  • It's easy to missjudge how much of our society are just mindless drones.

  • Does the idea of this concern anyone else? Why is no one talking about it?
  • I still have a 8700K and haven't really had the need to upgrade in a while. I'll never buy a processor with something like this in it. If Microsoft forces it in new CPUs, I'm pretty sure I can make it the rest of my life with current hardware.

  • Reddit repost bots are spam, and that needs to be stopped.
  • Thanks for blocking that instance.

    I tried to explain to their admin why the entire concept was bad for the fediverse but they didn't seem to understand.

    People can do whatever they want with their instances, but something like that should defederate themselves and live in a void.

    That isn't the way to try and build content or community over here. We have the high ground. We don't need to stoop down to their level.

  • “Reddit cannot survive without its moderators. It cannot.” - The Verge
  • Twitter is still here as well, without much moderation.

    The platforms survive. Interactions just get a lot worse. But most people still refuse to leave.

    I don't want to be a part of that system anymore, which is why I'm here even though I don't necessarily believe this form of federation social network is designed very well.

  • PSA: is not Lemmy
  • I couldn't have said it better.

    I haven't seen that much of a problem on, so I think you really have to dig down into it to find the dirt. I think some people have a problem with the admins political views, so they try to smear them any chance they can. But those same admin made lemmygrad as a place to kinda keep all that stuff separate from the main instance.

    Sure, it seeps over sometimes, but the bulk of the content on is just standard shit. Reddit was no different. Most subreddits were normal and there were a few ones that were full of imbalanced idiots. That didn't make people leave the site completely. We just didn't sub to the subreddits we didn't like. In a similar vein, just block the communities here that you don't want to see.

    As far as the "too many communities" discussion goes... we're never going to win that battle. The majority of people out there aren't willing to make the change to the fediverse because of this one issue. Most likely a true Reddit alternative will be made and most normies will move there in time.

    It's great that Lemmy has gained some popularity, but there are too many issues here for it ever to become as big as something like Reddit.

  • My ever growing collecting of Star Citizen 3D prints.

    I can't ever seem to find time to finalize my prints :D

    I built a paint booth a few months back and am hoping to find some time to start working on finishing some of these up. I figured I would post some of what I've got here for now to help with content and maybe help me find inspiration to get a move on!

    Almost broke 2.5 million daily total users on Lemmy in the last 24 hours.
  • Yeah this is a good point.

    It took me months to actually start using Lemmy and Mastodon. I would consider myself a tech savvy person and it still took a while getting used too. I think there need to be better tutorials linked on the sign-up pages that help people understand the basic concepts. That would help drive true user acquisition.

  • fediverse soon
  • The beauty of the fediverse is that the last panel can't happen.

    We control our own instances. There's no world where admins wouldn't defederate from any Facebook attempt to barge in.

    Maybe a few larger instances sell out, but users hold the power here now. If an admin betrays our trust, we'll just make a new instance.

  • POLL - Will you stay on lemmy?
  • It depends on the tech. I'm not convinced this form of federation is going to work. There's already a lot of tech issues being exposed and drama unfolding between the instances.

    I also don't think it will see wide public adoption due to how segmented the communities are.

    I hope these issues are resolved, and I'll try to stick it out here. I quit Twitter and am trying Mastodon and I'll do the same with reddit. I'm not willing to just sit by and watch corporations take over our society.

  • JeffCraig JeffCraig
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