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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
3 days ago

  • First of all try accepting donations on your free software to get a bit of side income!

    Secondly, look for companies that offer traineeships. I work in QA and basically any consultancy takes even non-IT people for their traineeship cause of the shortage we have.

    Maybe something towards electrical engineering could interest you? Check for certificates/bachelors depending on how far you want to go.

    As a sidenote, just try to get some sort of job even if not in IT. Being active in the job market makes you much more interesting to hire even if people tell you its not.

  • I've always been a dark mode user where possible. White screens are just exhausting to look at. I'm 23 so I'd hope age hasn't affected me that much yet xD

    Personally I see dark mode as an accessibility option and I specifically avoid services that do not have dark mode.

    Sadly, work still uses stuff that doesn't have dark mode so after a work day my eyes are so tired.

  • Been using the infomaniak mail and drive for a bit now while switching away from gmail and gdrive. Its not as good but comes so close I really don't mind the switch!

    Not yet paying for it, but planning to in the near future. 2 euros a month for 1TB storage is a steal compared to google prices

  • I leech from a family subscription from someone that's not gonna stop the subscription whether I use it or not. So I cost them money by using it, would never pay for it regardless.

    Personally if I paid for spotify I'd just transfer over to Qubuz, they pay artists more AND have better music quality.