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Abandon Harris endorses Green Party's Jill Stein
  • Trump isn't in jail due to his sabotaging the judicial aparatus while in office and the clear threat his voters demonstrate. They have shown themselves to be a credible threat to democracy. I was very wrong, while you and apparently nine others misread my comment

    Seriously, do you expect me to lay Trump's on-going freedom, and the January 6th bullshit, at Biden's feet? Biden isn't even running now.

  • Daylight savings
  • "Did they go to bed early or late?" ... they went to bed x hours ago. If anything, the math is easier when your 3am is also their 3am(although am/pm would also have to go out the window). Time-zones or no doesn't tell you when they got up or started working without you asking either.

  • Daylight savings
  • Same question I asked Kusimulkku: do you not even know anyone who works second or third shift? Because we ask eachother about specific sleep schedule times all the time, ie, its a very standard question for most working people.

  • Daylight savings
  • "What time should I call you back, or what time will you be calling me? Is there a time-frame in which I should not call you? Me, I sleep from 10-to-18."

    Do you not even know anyone who works second or third shift? Hell, when I was on a line-boat, we did 6 hours on shift, 6 hours off(sleeping). It wasn't that hard for the half-dozen contacts I had set to bypass Do Not Disturb to remember not to call or text me during my off hours unless it was important, and of course I knew when to let them sleep.

    Let me ask you this: Do you remember your overseas friends' sleep schedules by their time-zone, or yours?

  • Abandon Harris endorses Green Party's Jill Stein
  • I voted for Howie Hawkins last time, certain in the knowlege that Biden would win, Trump would go to jail, and we could hold Biden's feet to the fire.

    January 6th, and all the related bullshit that's followed, showed me that I had made a huge mistake and just got lucky when it comes to the MAGA-crowd's coup competence. I will not make that mistake again, not in this election anyways.

    "Abandon Harris" is a shit campaign name. Self-aware guilt, right in the name.

  • Bambu Lab lawsuit update: It’s not over
  • You don't have to do geo-fencing or disallow use. Don't distribute or ship to East Texas, and don't do support there, warranty or otherwise, done. You're onto something with the EULA bit, but beyond that is a burden they are not obligated to take up or impose upon grey-market customers.

  • Bambu Lab lawsuit update: It’s not over
  • Yes, but if the companies being sued don't do business in that jurisdiction, it falls on other jurisdictions to enforce that courts' edicts. Anyone that does so is just enabling the corruption.

  • [Discussion] AI companies using the fediverse to scrape data
  • Scrape*, for your title.

    Meanwhile, preventing un-paid scraping was a big part of Reddit's rationalle for their en-shitification, ie, charging for API access.

    I would rather train an AI indirectly for free than ask random Instances to run interference, which IRL works out to be pay-walling and selling user content.

    By asking Lemmy Instances to "prevent AI from seeing my content", all you are really asking them to do is to slap a price-tag on it, and hire lawyers to pursue companies/users that don't pay. Not pay you or me, but them.

  • Is this somehow an intentional choice or a feature? I consider it insane ... (replaced with my own user profile, as I'm not trying to fill other users' inboxes for no real reason)(also, this somehow worked right when making this post, but not the original comment) [](/u/MachineFab812)

    While we're at it, am I missing at instance-agnostic method for linking posts as well?

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