Marchioness @ Marchioness Posts 0Comments 54Joined 2 yr. ago
The "constructive criticism" here is "stop making your own stuff and pay someone else to do it for you".
Wait... back up a minute... Dragon Plate?
I don't think she knows what an aboleth is.
You keep doing this for OP's goblin OC as well. There's lots of official WotC art of green goblins, including the current Monsters of the Multiverse art that's being used as the default art for the goblin lineage.
It's kind of rude to tell people that their character designs aren't valid just because you don't approve of their choice of skin-tone.
His behavior was objectionable.
I've been known to give my players a magic purse that makes coins weigh nothing before.
She's pointing at herself when she asks "what's your favourite thing" - imagine the disappointment of being beaten out by a hat.
Yeah. If you've ever used detect thoughts repeatedly in a campaign, you know how little information you actually get from surface thoughts.
Konsi, When was the last time you took a day off?
You better make a kid or you're gonna have failed to pay your bills.
As an evil wizard, you could pay your staff less than 2000g and make some savings.
Honestly, if the doppleganger is acting exactly like Konsi, does it really matter if she got replaced?
It's important that you know what you're doing when dealing with a magic item you don't want anymore
I always dispose of my cursed and evil magic items that by planting them in the villain's house then tipping off the city guard that they have it.
This is what paperwork is for.
It's amazing what shampoo can accomplish
It's nice to at least pretend to the DM that you care about their lovingly crafted environments before you burn them down.
They're both the same picture.
Wizards always got to be spending every free moment they have scribing spells - gotta fill that spellbook up. It's like a 100% achievement.