Muad'dib @ Muaddib Posts 0Comments 46Joined 1 day ago
Allow our enemies to purge the weak from amongst our leaders. The strong will survive, and the tribe will grow stronger.
PewDiePie has switched to Linux
Maybe using a communist OS will radicalise them to the left
PewDiePie has switched to Linux
Now that he's on a communist OS, maybe he'll adopt some other communist/anarchist views
Like not saying the N word
I love wordpad. Still used it when I sucked Bill Gates' chesticles on the Windows machine
They live in a culture of cowardice. They think violence is a shameful thing. They're taught passivity from birth. Instead of learning to fight honourably, they're taught not to fight at all. Not to yell. Not to argue. Not to protest. Not to kill. It's the morality underpinning their society. It's a mind prison that makes them into obedient servants to the master class.