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  • hmmm
  • I'm sure there's another term for what this is, but the closest I can personally think of is kintsugi, the japanese art of "fixing things with gold."

  • Where art thou hog?

  • Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z (by Ryota)
  • Some serious mom jeans

  • Charity (February 27, 1906)
  • It's a little different when being asked by a woman from the 1% though, like in the comic.

  • Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.13
  • FINALLY the default position of resummoning Torrent after an enemy kills him is set to yes! This is a good update.

  • A tree with an excruciating sting that can persist for years.
  • Of course it's Australian lol.

  • Colorado HOA calls cops on kids’ lemonade stand to get ‘illegal’ operation shut down
  • Sounds exhausting. I would give my vote to you though, were I apart of that HOA. Good luck!

  • [OC] Attention everyone, I found a neat rock.
  • replying to myself to say I made the prior comment in my sleep and idk how I posted a blank reply lol.

  • It rewards exploration though
  • Idk, Bayle is totally worth going out of your way to sidestep Senessax.

  • Lifeguard rule
  • Oh so what we're seeing is his knee. Thought it was like an ab line or something.

  • N'wah rule
  • I like what I see.

  • A veteran notices the chain
  • You would think there would be some overlap in DMing and the sadomasochism of Dark Souls games.

  • Sounds that you feel in your core
  • Hawck too-uh. As if you're spitting.

    Spit on that thang.

  • Nicknames for Sentret/Furret?
  • Name em after breakfast foods. Oatmeal, Bagel, Streudel, Danish, Grits. Hell it doesnt even have to be breakfast, name one Noodle and another Penne. Chowder, Potato, Meatball, Bisque, Sammich, Beans. You got a whole lotta options lol. And now I'm hungry.

  • AA78 - Zdzislaw Beksinski (1978)🇵🇱
  • And through that door would be the pests that worship the rot, then a coffin-elevator to Astel.

  • Myr Myr

    Another reddit refugee.

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