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Texas Sheriffs Relentlessly Ticket DoorDasher, Leaving Him Thousands in Debt, Barely Able to Work
  • You ARE required to identify yourself. Beyond that, you don't have to answer any questions.

  • Saving the News Media Means Moving Beyond the Benevolence of Billionaires
  • Sadly, News media has been consolidating for the last 50 years. In the 1980s, every tv/radio station was ultimately owned by one of about 40 companies. Today, they're all owned by SIX.

    It is now owned by six billionaires and their families. And if those six people decide that something isn't going to be talked about, then it won't be talked about.

  • HDMI: New certifications make old HDMI app almost obsolete
  • However, the HDMI app will not be able to scan the new labels. Instead, according to the HDMI LA, a message will appear indicating that a QR reader app must be used.

    I bet it will be a proprietary QR app that will data-mine the hell out of you.

  • Nacon exec says industry's problem is "too many games"
  • A strong, cogent argument can be made for having a wide variety of game developers. I don't see ANYONE saying, "we need more companies like EA, Activision or UbiSoft."

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Don't rely on corporations to protect your privacy. Ever. Use freeware and open-source software to protect it yourself.

  • Charges Dropped Against Philly Cop Who Killed Man Sitting In Car
  • That's not what I mean. There's a good chance the cops planted knives in the victim's car to justify their use of deadly force. They already lied about basic stuff that happened during the traffic stop, so it would be foolish to take their word about any evidence they "found."

  • Charges Dropped Against Philly Cop Who Killed Man Sitting In Car
  • There's also no mention whether the victim's fingerprints were on the two knives that the cops "found" in his vehicle. I going to bet there are NO fingerprints on either knife.

  • Tesla trial over Autopilot fatality kicks off in California
  • Tesla won a bellwether trial in Los Angeles in April with a strategy of saying that it tells drivers that its technology requires human monitoring, despite the "Autopilot" name

    Then it should not be called "Autopilot." The AI required to make real autopilot work does NOT exist now and probably won't exist for decades.

    Tesla autopilot is a marketing gimmick that is going to cost a lot of lives because the people who shill for Musk have a child-like worship of billionaires.

  • It wasn't worth it anyway
  • If you're using uBlock Origin, bring up the control panel and disable JavaScript for that webpage. Then reload the page. Works on most of these pages for me.

  • Unity apologises.
  • Yeah, there was no "confusion." They meant what they said the first time.

    Believe people when they tell you what they are.

  • Unity apologises.
  • You want to prove you're sorry? Fire your CEO. He is going to lose you a LOT of money.

  • Musk is undeniably just trying to run twitter into the ground at this point.
  • It must be nice to be able to waste 44 billion dollars and not miss it.

    I could live comfortably for the rest of my life on 1/10,000th of what Elon spent.

  • NutWrench NutWrench
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