O_R_I_O_N @ O_R_I_O_N @lemm.ee Posts 0Comments 25Joined 3 wk. ago
I want to be Canadian so BAD, been looking to move for the past 5 years. That looks less and less like a possibility. Y'all don't need more people competing for housing. Please take all the West Coast, which is and always has been an inseparable part of Canada.
I still switch back to windows just for Photoshop
Here's my top 10 and a suggestion for each
1-5. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
- if you can find it his old podcasts have some phenomenal 24hr behemoths! Id suggest from those; Blueprint for Armageddon, Wrath of the Kahns, Death Throes of the Republic
- otherwise Supernova in the Pacific is were to start
- Lions Led by Donkey's
- Men Who State at Cats ...
- Behind the bastards
- The War of the Eggs
- The Dollop - (history when you need a laugh)
- the NY to Paris Race
- Fall of Civilization podcast
- the inca
- The Unknown Soldiers podcast
- The Soviet Afghan War
I thought they were doing some drug research too
Damn that sounds fantastic!!
Rips bong .... DUDE
Raised by wolves. Atheism vs Religion into the stars. It was so good and so much of the buildup was about to come to fruition. GAH!
Cameras are cheaper..that's it
My Pa has saved my life twice. Once grabbing me by the foot before I got washed out to sea. Another when my arm go caught on a piece of clothing in a cork screw washing machine, that would have been gory. There's probably more I can't remember.
Yikes, thanks. Now I've got the beef... With Wendy's
Oh boy, dare I ask; why?
I hate ads. If I see an ad for your prodct, I won't buy it... I don't watch TV. Adblocker is my king
1 month ago. Those must have been the first deserters, or just trend riders for $
We can't let him. No Gods, No Kings
Imagine if only old people ran the government... What a nightmare that would be.... Ah fuck.